Almost [f]ucking [m] old coworker at a truckstop with an unintended audience

***follow up to boss (disclaimer: used in place of name)***

after the intial *incident* boss and i were uh, trying our best to go back to professionalism. mistakes had been made, i never told sera and i knew that there was nooo way in hell hed told his girlie. we had a couple social whatevers with friendly co-workers that were mildly uncomfortable but very manageable

generally, we were successful… aside from the standard bit of dirty texting when one of us had a few drinks but hey! wed just pretend that never happened the next day so it was totally fine, right?

i still thought about it. more than i should have realistically. it had been a long time since id had that kind of chemistry with someone, and so desperately wanted to touch them taste them and generally just rip their clothes off in public. i dont think it was entirely returned (maybe i just caught him at a weak moment), but that just made continuing to work together ~although not closely~ doable

so we coexisted and generally did our best to pretend nothing had ever happened

I [f]ucked my friend’s little brother and took his virginity

***since you lovely humans seemed to like my last share, figured I would tell another. longer again and slightly less rated R, so feel free to skip to the bold if you only want the sexy stuff***

this happened a few years ago, but its something I still think about from time to time… the occasional cheeky photos he still sends me don’t help with the forgetting either ahhhh

for background context (if just here for the sex skip to the squiggles) im a bit of a nerd, cosplay, d&d, videogames, the whole nine. so it shouldnt surprise you that I was very excited when a medieval faire ended up being put on. a girlfriend (Selene) and I decided we wanted to attend and went all out on the costumes. her oldest female friend (who id never met) showed interest in attending (Amanda), and overall I was looking forward to the event

day of the faire ended up being sweltering hot, and Selene and I were a tad… Overdressed. she was stuck as the designated driver, but I started getting into the mead hehe

I [F] made some impulse decisions with [M]y old coworker

Throwaway for the ~always~ obvious reasons, long time lurker and first time poster although oh do I have stories for you beautiful souls <3

Tough to choose a first share but this is one that’s been… mentally replaying in my ~personal~ time lately. Minor things tweaked for flow.

~~warning for cheating if that doesn’t tickle your pickle~~

Do you ever meet someone that, for whatever reason, you want unreasonbley? I think I’ve experienced that only a couple times in my life, and a previous coworker happened to be one of them.

I cant even explain it really. He was objectively decent looking, 6 feet, green eyes, auburn hair and a killer smile. But your stereotypical average dad bod, five years my junior and let’s be honest… I normally go for fit, slightly older men, dark hair dark eyes… You know, the bad boy 50s greaser types. This was just a genuine, bit above average guy who was sweet and got along with everyone at the office. Ill refer to him as boss for the remainder here, reasons to follow.