From another perspective: The Start [M//F]

Shit. This is wrong. I know it's wrong. I should not be doing this…but I invited her in here and I knew what was going to happen…or did I? We just kissed for the first time yesterday, ever so briefly. It took weeks to build up to that. Why would I think it would suddenly accelerate…and why does she have to be so fucking gorgeous? Attractive women smile, talk, and flirt with me all the time, but I don't pursue it. I consider myself to be an attractive guy (, and it makes sense. But I don't ask for or take phone numbers or contact info. Why? Because I have someone. That's why. She knows I have someone. Shit.

She comes closer, and the fear dissipates. Looking at her lips shuts my moral compass down. They're beautiful. Full, and from yesterday's experience, I know how soft they are. So, I wait as she closes the gap, and pushes herself up on her toes (I'm almost a foot taller) to put her mouth on mine. If any shred of fear was still there, it's gone now. She can actually kiss. I mean it. She pushes her lips so firmly but so gently onto mine, and now we're lost to the screaming elegance of it all. Our mouths move over one another, and our tongues are tickling and teasing eachother. She tastes delicious, and I don't want to taste anything else. So, I keep moving my tongue around hers and my lips just as gently but firmly against her lips.