[FM] I gave a blowjob at the top of a waterfall

This story happened about 2 years ago. I (then 34F, now 36F) told this story to a few people in chat who enjoy doing things in public and decided I’d share this story for all to enjoy.

There’s a nature preserve and its my favorite spot to go when I want to have naughty outdoors fun. The reasons I like it so much is because it’s absolutely beautiful with a lot of old ruins, it’s up north so it’s not blistering hot, it’s pretty huge so you probably won’t be seen, and not a lot of people go there (especially early in the morning or in the evening). I suggested going to this nature preserve with a guy who I’d been talking to for quite some time, but only met once. We left very early in the morning and got there around 6 AM as the sun was coming up. I chose to wear shorts and a crop top, but have a bikini underneath. I took off my clothes and just wore my bikini so I could get a nice tan and also feel the breeze on my skin. It was about a 2 and a half mile walk to this man made waterfall at a reservoir. I led the way because I knew where it was, but also so he could look at my butt the whole time. We finally made it there and the view was breathtaking as it always is. He sat down for a moment to catch his breath while I climbed down towards the edge. This waterfall is a spillway from a small man-made reservoir, but the sides of the spillway that came up alongside the actual spillway have wasted away, so there’s a steep drop that takes you next to the edge. He eventually made his way down to where I was. Looking to my right we could see the creek flowing down the valley while the sun rose up over the trees.

[F] people are amazed to see how naughty I look in secret

I (36F) am messaging a lot of guys and a lot of them have asked to see me. When they see me in a normal SFW picture and then a NSFW picture, their minds are blown away. Nobody expects me to be so kinky and naughty and it drives me wild. I love the fact I have a ton of sex and suck a lot of cock, but nobody would ever guess that.