[MF] How I Lost My Virginity


I lost my virginity when I went to university. I was studying medicine in Scotland, and was part of a large friendship group, of 5 boys and 6 girls most of whom were doing the same course. Life was pretty intense, studying hard most days and then partying as much as we could – for most of us, other than a girl who’d done a year abroad at a Christian charity camp somewhere in Asia, this was our first time away from home, and we got pretty wild.

Most of us anyway. I was a bit naïve, and I missed a good few chances for sex in my first term, just from not picking up on signals or being shy. One time at 1 am walking home from the pub, a girl asked me if she could see my bedroom to see if it was different from hers, and I told her all the rooms were the same, duh. Another time an exchange student told me it was her last night on campus and she wanted to make it memorable. She kissed me, her lips soft on mine and slightly sticky with Bailey’s liquor. She pressed her body against mine, and I could feel the mound of her pussy pressing against me. For some idiot reason I made my excuses and left.