[Mf] I [30m] slept with a news worker whom is married to a local celebrity who has his own tv show series.

So about a year ago I was introduced to this local news woman via a friend cuz she needed help with doing some marketing. I’m good with sales and marketing so I tend to get asked for advice in that area pretty often. At the time of this a buddy and I were in process of opening a phone repair and IT shop so we had a building space leased. The building was fairly empty and had a private area in the back. This building was literally a few hundred yards from her office so it was convenient.

This woman is much older than I am. Pretty sure she is 48 or 50. Close enough .
She has been married for awhile and is known as the nicest person in our area and noone would ever suspect her of anything . Her husband is a famous tv show guy and is a dick to her behind doors. She has recorded him being so abusive verbally and once he touched her.

She and I seen one another maybe 8 times and in this whole time we would text often but it was always professional.