Having a hard finger fucking session at university while writing a paper [F]

If I remember correctly, this was in my third year of uni. I had this paper that I had to write and I just did not want to do it. So I just kept putting it off until the night before. I knew I wouldn’t be able to write it at home because I wouldn’t have access to sources online as easily. So I figured I’d just stay at uni and write it.

I needed somewhere quiet to hammer this thing out. I couldn’t go to the library because I knew there would be more than one friend there and I would easily get distracted. I remember one of my friends telling me about this one spot that she had found. She called it her ‘secret spot.’ I texted her about my predicament and after some back and forth, she finally divulged the location of this place: the Ed. building on like the 12 floor.

Watching a guy play with his erection in class [F]

This story took place last week.

There’s his history class that I had always wanted to take during undergrad (as an elective) but I could never take it because it was always in conflict with another core class. And it was never offered during the evening. So after a few semesters, I gave up on it, forgot about it and convocated.

However, this past August I got wind that the class was being offered during the evening. This is perfect because I can take the class as an open student, hop down to uni right after work. It’s also a Tuesday Thursday class so only two days a week for two hours. The stars finally aligned!

So that’s the context. Anyways, last week, I’m sitting in class. I usually sit near the front of the class, but off to the side against the wall because I have a lot of stuff that I carry with me from work. So I can set it along the wall or on an empty desk near me. It’s a classroom and not a lecture hall so there are actual desks, not those long tables with the swinging chair attached to the table.

Masturbating in the Uni parking lot.

This took place a few years ago. I had decided to take a couple of difficult classes at a much smaller uni in the same city, as opposed to my regular uni. The reason reason for this was because the class sizes were smaller, I could have greater access to the profs.

This campus was on the other side of the city from where I lived. Despite this, it made more sense for me to drive as opposed to taking the train. It would have been a shorter commute. In those days I didn’t have my own car as I didn’t need one. So my dad used to let me borrow his van.

I loved this van. It was this sleek black Toyota Sienna. We had bought it brand new and it was so roomy! On my insistence, we had gotten all the back windows tinted to a limousine tint so you couldn’t see inside at all. This thing was a beast and I loved it.

Horny in a hotel room [F]

So I'm staying at a hotel for a few nights for work. Doesn't look like I'll be doing anything until the rest of my colleagues get here. They're stranded in the East because of the storm. Thank goodness because this hotel I'm staying at is really posh and I get a few days to myself.

I travel a lot for work and often stay at hotels. Most people get sick of that lifestyle after a while but I don't. I still love it. Particularly because of the fact that I get really horny when I'm in hotels.

I don't really know what it is but just the fact that I'm alone and the thought that I can do anything I want in the confines of the room really turns me on.

There's a staff member of the hotel here that I've been drawn to since my stay. She's a older woman, maybe in her 40s or so. She's taller than me and is a but chubby. She has long hair and some amazingly large breasts. She's been really friendly to me the last few nights.