Elisa’s Journey – Part 3: Beyond Redemption [M/F 18 – 56] [Cheating]

Work. The last fucking place I wanted to be. The day was really dragging, as well. I was stacking shelves and Sam was helping with deliveries in the back, as someone had called in sick. It kind of worked out well because I really didn’t want to be around him. I couldn’t look him in the eyes; I felt so ashamed. I couldn’t get Sarah out of my head, either. I got why she covered for me the night before, when she told Sam that I was at work with her, when I was actually at the sex club, but why had she covered for me for another night, completely unprompted? I had so many ideas flying around my mind, but I couldn’t land on one. I had no choice but to just wait for her to respond to the text I’d sent her that morning.

Elisa’s Journey – Part 2: Down the rabbit hole [M/F 18 – 25] [Cheating]

Sam had decided to stay with me, despite catching me sucking our roommate’s dick. He had insisted that we both move out of our shared house with Sarah and Tom. We had to stay at his parent’s house again for a little while, but we eventually moved into a small one-bedroom flat on our own. He had also changed back from the night shift to the day shift, so we were working together again. I was still in love with Sam, but things had changed. Our relationship was always rocky. We would argue a lot, he would grill me about where I had been, and we had definitely moved passed the honeymoon phase of our relationship. I knew it was all my fault, of course.

Elisa’s Journey – Part 1: Awakening [M/F 18-21] [F/F 18-19] [Cheating]

Hi, I’m Elisa. I’m a 36 year old English woman and up until recently, I had everything I could ever want in life. A home, a husband, a great sex-life, and most importantly, happiness. I’ve lost almost all of that now, and I don’t have anyone to blame but myself.

This story isn’t about my current situation, though; I’ll get to that, eventually. No, this story is about the beginning, about how all this began, about how I started to become a ‘sex addict’, a ‘whore’, a ‘nymphomaniac’. I hate all of those descriptions, but that’s how people have often described me throughout my life. I’m not especially proud of everything I’ve done, even if I did thoroughly enjoy it, at the time. To be quite honest, I have a lot of mixed emotions about it all. Yes, I loved having fun. Yes, I’d probably do a lot of it again, given the chance. Yes, I’ve done bad things. Yes, I regret a lot of those bad things. And, yes, I hate myself for some of the things I’ve done. Anyway, I’ll stop going on about how I feel and just start.

My boyfriend stood me up (interactive fiction)

This is an interactive fiction game, based on cheating.

I haven’t gone crazy with formatting, or anything, but there are a few images in it.

There are multiple endings, all with different sexual surprises.

If you enjoy it, or have some feedback, please leave a comment.


Visit the link, download the game, play it in your browser.


Categorized as Erotica