Carnival Part 1 [MF, oral]

They came to our town every summer, General Hand is what they wanted and I joined the circus for a time. Life burst that January with my new circus family. Horizons rendered irrelevant. As a circus boy being initiated by an acrobat wringed me dry. Country Australia in the 1960s was different from now. Almost seasonless except from fires, floods and harvests the feeling was of being marooned in space and time and that poster for General Hand was my ship out. I admit I pulled it off hoping no one else would apply. The showgrounds hosted them, the Parnel Bros Carnival, faded tents and trucks parked chaotically.

Anya later told me I looked like a terrified animal, eyes rolling white, taking it in as I was put to work erecting cages and spreading straw for the animals. I was startled leaning on a trailer to have a low growl turn my guts liquid, the lions using the spy holes to sniff me out. As we ate and the sun fell she touched me before I saw her.

Aunt Sally 8 [mf, serial story]

“Mind, body, spirit” is apparently my parent’s maxim. Staying with my Aunt had more than opened my eyes. She had given me experiences I could never have imagined and demonstrated the pleasures from having shared permission to enjoy. Physical pleasure requires security of trust and safety of knowledge. Body and mind. Then there was the phone App. I looked a couple of times and a building record of some chatting but I didn’t say anything. Members had nicknames, BossLady, AlphaBoy, Cutey, etc. I was “Fostered” which I thought was Aunt Sally’s little joke.

Aunt Sally 6

I’m naked, wrapt in the introduction my Aunt Sally is providing to the landscape of a woman’s body. This is the second section after she made sure that it is understood that arousal starts in the mind and the body takes time to catch up. She has demonstrated the exquisite detail of her breasts, the almost ticklishness of the globe, the mobile tightness of the nipple and the rougher texture of the areola. She has also shown me the effects of that arousal of mind joining the arousal of that body at her wet vulva. My hand gently strokes in time with hers at her slit. Mine vertical, hers sideways, light, languid. Even though I look into her eyes lying back I am aware of the motion. I am also leaning back in my chair, ass barely on the edge, my stroking motion also in her view. The heat from her body, our heady aroma feel my senses as I watch, listen and learn. I don’t want this to end, like a spell of pleasure that is too good to last.
“The vulva is a collective term for a number of parts, all of those parts affect the pleasure and response of the whole thing, just like the whole body committed to arousal is magic.” Her fingers slide between larger outer lips. “The labia majora may just be a pad but beneath lies the clitoris legs but I’m getting ahead.” She moaned and let her fingers slide lower and duck into her wet vagina, losing a dribble down her ass crack and another moan before breathing in. She ran the index finger of each hand gently opening herself to me. “The Majora keep a lot of sensitive places within but don’t overlook their own sensitivity. Tug them a little…” and she took each between her finger and thumb and pulled down a little. “…and the whole citoral structure settles beneath the skin. It’s a bit like having your cock stimulated all over in a blowjob.” With the reference to my cock I tensed it and glanced at its head fit to burst, slick with precome all the way to the root and I’m sure a trickle had tickled down my balls. “Maybe not that intense but I don’t have a cock.” she laughed. She stretched it down again a few more times, moaning, before spreading them wide. “These are the really sensitive parts and a bit of caution is required, a lot of consent is required but the pleasures are glorious. I’ll start at the bottom and work up. That’s a bit of a joke, lighten up. Are you OK? OK. ” I nodded stupidly before assenting in a hoarse dry voice – sounded like someone else.
She raised her knees, feet pointed but loose. Hand came round beside her thigh and pointed inward. “You know, this is the butt hole. One message though – cleanliness, infections are serious. There’s all sorts of sensations from down here but we’re not covering that today except to say contrary to porn almost all pleasure down here can be got without poking inside – although it has to be said the edges are the most delicious sensation but that’s for another day.”

Aunt Sally 5

I’m getting advice from my Aunt Sally who I’m living with for my final year of high school. To be less nervous she’s giving me a roadmap to sexual pleasure. I’m anxious that my new girlfriend, Miriam, may have expectations I can’t meet. Mind, Body and Spirit. We’re just about to start the Body and she’s demonstrating the anatomy lesson on herself. My buck-naked virgin ass is seated facing her on the satin-sheeted bed as she speaks in hypnotic tines and strikes her legs and hips. 
“Alright, let’s begin. You know I’m a good friend of your parents and in their absence I can guide you but It’s your own character that makes the choices.” Her fingers outlining her pubis undulating, massaging the area. My eyes flicked from her eyes and her crotch, mesmerized by the pink lips, maybe the gloss of a tiny bit of wetness. ‘To please a woman require that mind – trust in a shared intent, body – and the many many erogenous zones and the individual responses and the Spirit, which we’ll come to. 
I sat naked on the chair, cock straining rigid, leaking precome as I watched her and listened to her words. “First you need to ignite the body’s passion”, she raised her arms and clutched them across her chest, hugging. She lowered her eyelids, resting her cheek on her shoulder. “Let her feel safe in your arms, communicate by touch your intentions, whisper that you’re wanting to share this joy, breath together. Feel her warm skin…come here”. I woke almost from a trance and walked up the side of the bed, erection bouncing to her seated, knees up still hugging her shoulders. “I want you to feel my back, my shoulders, feel how hot they are. Are you OK with that?” I could feel heat radiating from her. I raised my hand and hovered a moment – is this some line I’m crossing? I lay my hand on her smooth skin and felt the hum of her sigh through her back. She rolled her head over my hand and I curved my fingers feeling the muscles move along the back of her neck. “That’s it, stroke your fingers through my hair.” To do so I needed to place my knee up on the bed and her groan moved me as she leaned into my hand. I glanced down and wiped the precome off my cock with my other hand. Her hand took mine and she kissed the back and then sucked the fingers dry before kissing each tip. “Wait – sit back down. Obviously if you get the passion rise right – like that – everything will just flow. Touch yourself if you want to but don’t come yet, we’ve a bit to get through”. She sat back on her arms and sighed, finishing with a shiver. “Right, once you’ve got the passions up the aim is to set a rhythm, a tempo and I don’t mean fucking” she laughed, eyes crinkling. Her eyes were alive, just like a saw in those polaroids. I clutched my cock, so hard and sending tickling pleasure up my spine. 
“There’s no sequence but you start from the G-rated stuff and sense if that’s OK, that there’s shared intent.” She cupped her breasts again, lifting and letting them drop. Taking one she held its heft with one hand and took the nipple. “Boobs are as individual as any person. Some like the aching pleasure and sensory highway to the clit that boobs are. Arousal changes what feels good, at the start I can’t stand any nipple play but once I’m warmed up I love any sensation.” I was curious, “Didn’t you …touch them before.” She looked sheepish and smiled. She stroke up from her ankles and let her knees open. Both her hands rose to her crotch and sat either side of her slit. “What can I say, I’m easily warmed up at my age.” With that she used her fingers to open her labia. There was a clear coating visible, a thin leak visible. “Before warming up it’s like an electric shock. I’m not the same as anyone else – you have to find out – that’s the message.” Her fingers traveled up and down a couple of times. “Right, breasts vary greatly with pregnancy and menstrual cycle but greatly influenced by mood. Once warmed up I adore the wartenburg wheel just around where the areola starts. That’s like a little wheel with little spikes that just step between the nerve ending and just makes me melt. Also the sensation is completely different when someone else does it. Come back over.” I was at her side, cock in hand. “Feel this, feel the soft breast and then how the skin changes. Take the nipple, feel it swell…ugh”. I held the thick nipple between my thumb and index finger. “That’s it, harder. Don’t twist, not much tug, that’s it, oooh”. I was astounded. Kneeling on the bed I placed a hand on each breast as Aunt Sally lay with her arms behind her head. I took both nipples and revealed their sameness, their differences. She writhed moaning under my hands. I looked down and saw that my cock was rubbing against her soft hip. Her hand came down her side and spread the precome on her side before lightly stroking my cock. “Right, back to your chair.” 

Aunt Sally 4

Staying with my Aunt Sally who I’ve learnt has a glorious sensual side and has offered me advice about my relationship with Miriam, a new girl at my school. Miriam took a shine to virgin me and I don’t want to disappoint her.
I followed Aunt Sally up the stairs and she talked over her shoulder. “You see, being..ah..intimate, having satisfaction is a combination of mind, body and even a little spirit. I’ll cover each in turn but know that you need a little of all three for satisfaction, the absence of any one for uneasiness and two missing, that’s a tragedy.”
As she turned back I watched her beautiful bum sashay up the stairs. I watched the curve of her waist to her hip resisting laying my hand there. Beneath the hem of her skirt I watched her smooth calves flex on the steps. Although not athletically proportioned Aunt Sally had an energy about her, a vitality. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and her sensuality was undeniable. I watched the gathering in her skirt slip between her butt cheeks and imagined those pale globes undulating from step to step. She pushed open her bedroom door and walked into her bathroom. 
“Sit on the chair, I’ll be back in a moment.” and pushed the door almost shut. I sat and looked across the bed. I remembered the photos in the drawer and the rabbit under the pillows and a part of me began to respond. I sat uneasy then heard Aunt Sally call from the bathroom: “MIND. That doesn’t mean one mind it’s two or however many participants there are.” What the hell?” It means shared intent, consent. It means balancing your needs with your partner’s needs.” she called from the bathroom. “There’s only one way to share these needs. You know how? Communicate. Talk. Chat. Explore. Know what they want before, check in, explore. That’s Mind. You’ve got to want to participate and experience things together. Without Mind there’s NO play. Without Mind there’s no joy. ” She got me to repeat back to her my interpretation of her message through the bathroom door. “Then, there’s the body…” What was she doing in there? “…I take it you know a bit about your own body. Boys will be boys but there’s more to learn. Mind-body-spirit. You need to be familiar with a woman’s body. It’s more than just anatomy, it’s dynamic and there are similarities but the magic is in the differences.” I heard her move in the bathroom and the loo flush. “Not differences like big boobs or slender thighs but how they react. No two people are the same.” With that the door flung open and aunt Sally leapt onto the bed and lay back facing me naked.
“I hope you don’t mind but some of this is best demonstrated.” Her skin was smooth, pale and flawless with her head propped up on the pillows. The same pillows I saw her pleasure herself on in the half light. Now she sat on the bed, knees pulled up against the bedhead.
“A woman’s body is made up of the same parts – all variations but the same parts.” She dropped her knees and cupped a heavy breast in each hand. “Where the real variation lies isn’t how they look, it’s how they can provide pleasure…” Her thumbs stroked her thick nipples as they stood to prominence. “…and how they can provide pleasure to others.” She squeezed them, the nipples color draining with the pressure. I could feel my cock thicken and twitch in time with her as she started tugging.
“The point is you have to read the room, read the signs, read her responses and act to control the excitement, ride it, let it build.” I settled awkwardly. “Oh for goodness sake get those pants off before you break in two. That’s what I mean, read the signs, sense her response and respond accordingly, make sure it’s within your shared guidelines. Shared intent. ” I sat, now naked on the chair facing Aunt Sally whose fingers now traced up from her ankles to her substantial soft but curvaceous hips. When I stilled, my untouched erection urgent. She looked me in the eyes. “I’m getting ahead of us. Mind – I need to know that you’re OK with showing you how to please a woman’s body alone. Are you OK with that? I’m going to show you on my body – more relevant than any diagram. I’ll probably get off on that, you’ll probably get excited, that’s natural and OK. It will guide your first time with Miriam, if that’s what you decide to do. That’s healthy. What’s not healthy is dissatisfied fumbling ending in disaster. Sex can be a lot of things but it doesn’t need to be a hangup.” I was nodding, maybe half-listening, admiring her smooth skin and the sound of her voice. “Are you OK with that? It’s not too weird? Your parents should have started this education for you, maybe not as explicitly but no less detail. I know they planned to.” She stroked down the outside of her legs again, this time she stopped at her ankles and stroked up the inside, her knees falling wide and her fingers stop forming a triangle over her pubis. “Alright, let’s begin”
END Part 4    

Aunt Sally 3

Parents sent me to stay with Aunt Sally for my last year of school. I found she had mementos of a racier life than I thought and was treated to watching her pleasure herself – I think she arranged for me to see it all.
I was feeling a bit shy as Aunt Sally came down for breakfast. “Oh, you’re already up! Great, I slept like a log, you?”. I nodded ascent as she drank the coffee I made and soon she was dropping me at school. In the car she continued, both facing forward. “I don’t know about you but sometimes it’s like nature fills you up, must be the season or a smell or something but I feel so alive. Maybe it’s having a man about the house.” She tapped my thigh and I almost squealed. My mind filled with images of her creamy thighs quivering, purple vibrator grasped as tightly as her eyes as the orgasm crashed over her. God, erections are instant at 18. I could also feel my cheeks redden. “There must be something in the wind, makes my sap rise”. I could still feel my sticky come in my palm as I returned to my room. She left me there, I’d make my own way home. That day I had an after school date with Miriam, a new girl. I’m pretty shy and she all but instructed me to take her for a slushy. After the last few days I was up for a little change of approach and frankly I was a virgin and horny as hell. After school she had dragged me to the 711 and we wandered off enjoying the icy treat. She nudged and then took me by the elbow before we held hands and talked about where we were from and our folks. Hers had come to town for a construction so a new school for her – tough in her final year. Her black hair caught the sun and I couldn’t help but notice the curve of her hips in her jeans and her disarming smile. We came to her house and she led me round the back to the small pool. “No one’s home but this is nice out here”. She took my empty cup with hers to the trash while I sat on the lounger. When she returned she took my cheek in her hand and leaned down and kissed me. I stood and Miriam in my arms as she whispered “I wanted you the first time I saw you, we’re going to have the greatest time”. I could feel the swell of her breasts against my biceps as we embraced, her arms around my neck. We kissed again and I felt the familiar tightness in my pants as our bodies touched. Our breathing caught as we kissed and my hand trailed across her jeans-clad ass and she pressed into me. Her tand trailed between us and pressed against my crotch, outlining and stroking my heavy erection. “Ooh yeah, the greatest tiime” she broke away and looked into my eyes. I could feel the spreading wetness in my pants as she pushed he other hand beneath the waistband of her jeans. I looked down and saw the stroking before she withdrew her hand. She placed her sweetened fingers in my agape mouth and I dutifully sucked. Without breaking stroke ot eye-contact she said “…but not today but I’m fuck you crazy. You’ve got to go, Mum’s just come home” I looked over her shoulder through the French doors into the kitchen directly into the eyes of some lady – must have been her mother! Needless to say we chastely said our goodbyes and I was on my way.
When I was silent over dinner Aunt Sally prized the story out of me. I said I was a virgin and wasn’t sure what today meant. I’ve always been honest. “I don’t think that was flirting. Are you ready?” she bluntly asked.
“I’m apprehensive but excited. I just don’t want to disappoint her, ah, physically and emotionally”. She looked over at me, puzzling.
“I’m not your Mum and Dad but I think they’d want me to help with the first part. That emotional part you have to talk about with Miriam. You have to work out what’s on offer and not just go crazy or get pregnant or anything dumb.” I was confused. I knew Miriam and I had to talk but setting ground rules seems so formal. And what did she mean about the physical part?
“Come upstairs and I’ll give you some pointers but remember, everyone is different” I sat watching her ample ass move up the stairs before racing after her.

Aunt Sally 2

Parents sent me to stay with Aunt Sally for my last year of school. Alone my snooping discovered she wasn’t the lonely single she made out to be. I’d let myself in and the fruits of my research had had me messily relieve the lust generated by what I had seen.

Window to Another Life [MF cheating]

He sighed recalling the scene.
The seabreeze lifted the light curtain, the sky blue in the gap. As the air moved over them he trailed his fingers down her smooth back. He stroked again, following the curve from her fragrant neck, place of delicate kisses and primal grasps. Between shoulder blades, their subsurface relief contrasted in the remaining light. Her back was hot with a light patina of their combined exertions, now cooling in the welcome breeze. Shivers accompanied his fingers’ descent into the tight curve of her lower back.
It’s difficult to really describe this pause in their lovemeking as a nap, both entering a little trance after that last combined crescendo. Pants becoming sighs becoming slow contemplative breaths, eyelids flutter.
They hadn’t started with this serenity, uncooperative clothes wrenched, tossed aside, hands grasping, bodies colliding with a ferocity that belied the tenderness and longing they felt. Short was their time and they were going to make it count. Over the bedspread they lay, him pulling sock free, her discarding the bra, breasts once captive as now free as their spirits. He knelt between her beautiful powerful legs and they locked eyes, their smirks of playful passion reflected in the other. He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. Took her hands in his and brought them to his mouth. Eyes still locked he kissed her finger tips, slipping her index finger between his lips, tongue playing over it, her tickled by him suckling it. he lowered them and encircled her waist with his hands, enjoying the physicality of her presence, the swell of her waist, hard hips beneath. His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her knickers tracing around. He smiled as his hands left the waistband and followed symmetrically down each side seam, her smooth thighs contrasted by the rough lace. Her breath caught as his fingers met, warmth within.
Lowering himself to her he kissed her lips, hand stroking down her side feeling her breathing. Kissing behind her ear he inhaled the scent of her perfume heady, her hair, spicy and her, an erotic combination unique to her that so excited him. He felt his cock hard and urging between them, scraping on the lace, not for now, he needed to arouse her further, to taste her to please her. His lips lowered to her delicate breast, the nipple prominent. Without thinking he let his lips slip across the smooth curved skin, the bumpy areola and open over the taut hardness in the centre. Gently he wet and probed with his tongue before nibbling down, softly at first before his lips closed and he sucked the nipple into his mouth. He felt her back arch and her hand draw his head harder against her. He took this cue to apply a little more suction, a little more pressure to the nipple that seemed to swell as his tongue gnawed it around his mouth. Fare welling one side he changed. Now his passion was rising, some caution fell away, her sighs and breathing indicating a shared resolve. Her hand pushed him southwards, knee rising as he complied with his own ambition.
He lifted her gusset to the side and licked down along her thigh, taste tantalizing including a tiny drop of dew as he drew up, tongue separating the labia, his taste now a celebration of her core and her tummy shiver and fingers behind his neck again indicating he was on track. He let his hand trail down himself, selfish strokes applied, precum coating his fingers thickly slick.
His tongue firm he probed her deeply, never enough, before he spread her with his fingers. Using his precum he stroked around her clit, feeling the firmness beneath, tracing it with pressure before applying the flat tinge to her. Reveling in the movement he toyed with getting the strokes right against the changing anatomy. He could taste himself on her and it energized him that their wetness was lubricating their pleasure. Her increasing tension enough to arouse him further, a cycle without end.
She groaned and raised her leg, coaxing him into her harder, pressure from her grasps coming in waves as he concentrated on keeping on, keeping up. Her breathing stopped, the grip on him firmer. He held his breath, intent, activity furious beneath, the cheeks, the lips, between them but secret. She gasped, panted and stopped again. The rippling of the muscles between her thigh shimmered before a low groan emerged from her concentration. Her grasp quickly transformed into a short throttling action, three or four strokes, harder into her again. A wetness came to him, he took what he could like a man in a desert. He lowered the intensity, took a breath and continued. She quieted again, panting, still intent, still bearing down and then a shout. Her body then grew rigid and he also stilled, tiny movements only between the elusive mound and his tongue, tired but still thirsty for her.
The rest of the morning was bodies and bouncing, limbs and laughter, until they were both sated for now. Maybe reserves would be found later but not now. Her face down, him on his side their skin touching like it was meant to. Again he stroked her back.
Their time was up, they had to go back to their own lives and leave this for now. Nothing was ever really certain was it. This wasn’t real.

Aunt Sally Part One [this part, MF]

I spent my senior year with my Aunt Sally. Dad took an interstate work posting and Mum joined him and I was fuming. Like an orphan boy they dropped me off and I waited for her to come home from work in an hour or two. We only saw her for weddings and funerals but she was always cute and cheerful but that couldn’t compensate for my disruption. I let myself in and dropped my bag in the hall and looked forlornly in the unfamiliar fridge. Nothing. Looked in the spare, now my sparse room. Double bed, nice.

Aunt Sally was my Dad’s sister-in-law, her once-husband, Dad’s brother had walked out on and divorced. I don’t remember the time but Mum and Dad had helped keep Sally sane through the breakup hence her being an annex of our family. Walking into her room I sat on her king bed. It was low, almost a squat, the top end overflowing with pillows of every hue. Resting my hands above my head I stretched languidly as I pulled my feet up. My hand nudged something hard under there and came out grasping a rod-like device with a second prong half way up. I’m no prude but I know a rabbit when I see one but the fabric was soft and smooth but the pulsations were strong when I tried the two controls, humming out of my hands. That humming alone was enough to start my boner. I’m 18 – doesn’t take much. Of course, Aunt Sally was a woman and a single one at that.