Driving him crazy with the need to punish me (MF) (Fiction)

My husband is a powerful man. The way Adam moves through the world like he owns it, analyzing situations, finding their weak points and reshaping them to his advantage truly inspires me. I’ve never met another person so in control of his life. Usually when it comes to our relationship I’m happy to give him that control, no reshaping required—that all happened within the first year of our relationship.

The moment he met me my training began. Even before I agreed to go out with him he was subtly reshaping me, his comments about how I dress encouraging me to take my look in a specific direction, reinforcing certain behaviors with compliments and responding to the actions he didn’t like with a disapproving look. Then, when we finally started dating a more explicit form of training began. He took his time teaching me all the things he liked, both in the bedroom and out, and in the process he introduced me to all the things I never knew that *I* liked.

Someone’s been watching me [F 21] [Fiction]

I’m being watched again.

I was in the library when I felt it, that now familiar shiver running up my spine, telling me I wasn’t alone. In an instant I was alert, my book left forgotten as I cast my gaze around for the source of my unease but it was late and I was the only one still sitting in this quiet little corner of the library. There was no sound apart from the faint buzz of fluorescent lights and the beating of my own heart. When had it gotten so dark outside?

I restrained myself from calling out. There was clearly no one around and even if there was what would I say? *Oh sorry, I just thought there might be someone watching me.* I’d much rather avoid that awkward conversation.

Still I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched—stalked like a wounded doe as she stumbled noisily through the underbrush. I let down my hair from it’s ponytail holder, arranged it around my shoulders to hide the vulnerable nape of my neck and got back to my book. After coming to the end of the page and realizing I hadn’t taken in a single word though I decided it was time to leave. I had nothing to prove by staying except to myself and at that point I was willing to admit that I was a coward.