The Ice Cream Giveaway!

Hey guys, I’ve just got one of my novelettes produced into an audiobook for the first time and I’m looking to get some listeners who would be willing to share their thoughts with a quick, short and honest review. You don’t need to be an audible member to take advantage of this offer, so please feel free to use one of the codes below, first cum, first serve!

Synopsis for the story:
The summer just keeps on sizzling.

All a person needs is some sticky sweet, cold cream.

Adam and Heather are expecting a special guest for some afternoon, skinny-dripping fun when Heather gets an insatiable craving for some ice cream. Whilst asking her soon-to-arrive friend for a scoop or two, an ice cream truck happens to chant its song outside.

Feeling frisky, Heather ventures outside looking a little creamed herself.

When she sees the well-built, gorgeous ice cream man, all looks set for a night of hot, hedonistic fun.

But her friend is a no show. And the ice cream has special, if not deadly qualities. When Heather and Adam find themselves hooked, what else can they do but beg for more?