[MF] Encounter with Friend’s Mom, Part 3

I continued to do yard work for the Kean family once a week, with a slight problem. Mr. Kean had come back from his business trip. It was a major cockblock and there was never an opportunity where Mrs. Kean and I could be alone, but that was about to change.

Every summer, the Kean’s go on a family camping trip down at the lake. A few other families go and it’s always a great time. The campsite is busy in the summer and a lot of people around the county go down for weekend camping trips.

I had gone with their family a couple times before when I was younger. Life had got in the way and I never had a chance to go back. Since I had been reunited with Brian, and helping out in their yard, Mr. Kean had extended an invite for me to tag along with them this year. I was more than happy to accept the invitation.

[MF] Drunk encounter with Friend’s Mom, Part 2

After our last encounter I couldn’t stop thinking about Mrs. Kean. I would jack off to the memory I had of looking down at her with her lips around my cock, looking at the cleavage showing from her nightgown. I have been with my fair share of women, but nothing turned me on more than getting blown by my friends mom.

A few weeks had gone by and I was busy working my summer job. I was working construction for my uncles business, and cutting lawns on the side to make extra money. Tuition is expensive, and I needed to start saving money.

My friend, Brian, Mrs. Kean’s son, was working as an intern at a local accounting firm. He wasn’t much of an outdoors guy and made fun of me for doing physical labor when you can work in “an air conditioned building” without having to slave yourself with manual labor. I always enjoyed working hands on and never wanted to sit in a cubicle and work on a computer.

[MF] Drunk encounter with my Friend’s Mom

I graduated high school 3 years ago, and I had just got back from college for the year and I was back in my hometown. A buddy of mine that I went to high school with called me up and wanted to see if I wanted to go over and catch up with him and a few other friends at his house, drink and play some cards. I obliged because I was never one to turn down an opportunity to drink and I hadn’t seen my high school friends in a few years now.

When I showed up to his house I asked where his parents were because I hadn’t seen them in years either and wanted to say hi. He told me that his dad was on a business trip for the week and his mom was out on the town with her friends. So we start bullshitting and drinking, having a good time, and as the night went on we started to get pretty fucked up. My friend’s mom (I’ll call her Mrs. Kean for the sake of the story) loudly fumbles into the living room slamming the door behind her (she had her fair share to drink) and walks into the dining room where we were playing cards on the dinner table.