( 41 F) Two years ago i was traveling to… I Will not tell you where. In Europe, its all you need to know.
I was suppose to be on airplane but fog on airport made me use the train. My afternoon flight become an overnight train trip.
I figured , i am there by morning, Job done, right on time for afternoon flight back
Luck would have it , that day was a big football game and couch and first clas seats where all sold out. I had to go second class. The train was packed with people. Mostly fans returning from the game. An hour into the trip, a fight broke out. Train stoped at a station. Police come in. Riot police. Soon the train was emptied and only few of us come back in. All of the sudden, I had the whole coupé for my self. All 6 seats.
We where stationary for next hour. I spent my time watching out of window as police officers rounded up what they called huligans.
At one point tree boys come in. They looked normal, clean. Not like some of the crowd outside.
One of them politely asked if they can join me. Apparently, they got separated from their group. Rest of them was suppose to wait for busses to be feried out and they did not want that.