Wanna come? (Long) [MM], [MF], [Group]

My phone beeped, and a message popped up:

“What are you doing next Saturday?”

“Nothing… what did you have in mind?”

“Aiden and Gabe are having a party at their place, they’re asking about you. Wanna come?”

I grinned. Aiden and Gabe are two of my sweetest, tallest, gayest friends. They have a beautiful house out in the mountains, and are utterly infatuated with me.


One night out, a little while ago, Gabe approached me while I was waiting at the bar.

“Hey, CuddlyCurious,” he slurred, accusatorily. “You’re such a cock-tease, you know that?”

For reference—Gabe is 6’5, with big hands, cheeky eyes, and a soft, fuzzy beard. His voice is deep and sonorous; when we first met, I called him Chewbacca, and leaned up against him, Han Solo-style.

I grinned, and batted my eyelashes at him as sweetly as I could manage in my slightly inebriated state.

“I am?”, I pouted. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise… I hope that isn’t a problem?”

As if on cue, the bartender handed me my beer. I bought the bottle to my mouth and, looking him directly in the eyes, ran the tip of my tongue around the lip.

That time my friends seduced me with a Tumblr [MFM] [long]

There had been rumours about Taylor and Jamie for as long as I had been friends with them.

When the drinks were flowing freely—an environment in which my friends and I frequently found ourselves—it was common for a mention of their names to elicit a cheeky smirk, a shy smile, an exchange of furtive, knowing glances.

“They have a blog, you know…” slurred a friend one night, before being nudged into silence by their partner.

“Oh?” I chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

Intriguing as the idea was, I put it to the back of my mind. Rumours are merely rumours, and people are entitled to their business.

A few weeks later, I found myself the last one standing at the bar with Taylor and Jamie. The rest of our friends had retired earlier that evening, but the three of us seemed to be in the mood to keep things rolling, so we found a cozy booth in a quiet little dive bar and settled in.

“Heyyyyy…?” asked Taylor. “Is your number still…”

He recited my phone number; I nodded.