[MFM] You browse /r/massivecock with your nerdy tall skinny IT boyfriend. Then you send nudes

Oh, hey there Tumblr, how ya been? Long time no talk. Let’s chat, shall we?
Well, that was an interesting couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay in updating everybody, my life has been crazy busy over the past couple of weeks. I’m really in the thick of hings at work, and I’m putting in lots of hours, and usually when I get home, my life consists of a quick dinner while watching some mindless TV show, and an early bed time. But fear not, I haven’t abandoned all you wonderful followers.
An update on the exciting parts of my relationship for the past two weeks:
So, last time I updated everybody was after my boyfr– I mean my coworker and I went out for pizza and I met (re-met) Matt and gave him my number. We’ll… that was Monday night, and after he dropped me off, I was hoping I would hear from him soon, but he didn’t call me Tuesday or Wednesday, and by Thursday I figured he wasn’t interested, and chalked it up to a good try, but nothing more… More on that later.
But first:
So – on Thursday after work I was pretty stressed out, and I really just needed something to take my mind off things, and I decided I would try to call Brandon again. I OKed it with my boyfriend, who agreed that I was a bit stressed out lately, and thought it would be good if I spent some time with Brandon for a while, since I hadn’t seen him since my Birthday. However, it was like 7:30 in the evening, and I thought that I needed a new “excuse” to meet up with Brandon, because the “[bf] is working” thing has been done a few times, and I don’t want to wear it out. So, after talking with my boyfriend, we came up with a new reason to hook up with Brandon, that would be both original and fun, for all three of us.
I called Brandon and when he answered I told him that I was in the middle of a run, and asked him if he was available for a “quickie”, to which he readily agreed. He asked me where I was, and if I wanted him to come meet me somewhere. I lied, and told him that I was at a park nearby, but told him that I would just come to his house, rather than continue my “normal run”. So I hurried and changed into some running shorts, t-shirt and sports bra, kissed my bf goodbye, and promised to tell him all about it, and I literally ran to Brandon’s house.
I have an arm band that I use when I run. It basically just holds my phone against my upper arm so I can listen to music on my headphones while I run. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. This is important, so if you don’t know what I mean, Google it. Anyway, Brandon lives about 20 min away at a normal jogging pace. I made it it about 16… I was excited about what my bf and I had planned.
So, right before I got to his house, I stopped, and called my boyfriend. As soon as he answered, I asked him if he was ready for the fun part of the plan, and he said yes, so I put my headphones in again, and made sure he could hear me, but hen turned off my phone’s screen, put it in my arm band, and walked up to Brandon’s front door. Oh yeah I did.
I knocked on the door, and I was out of breath. It was half from the run, and half in anticipation. One of Brandon’s roommates answered. I had to ask for him. Yes, you read that right – I asked someone I didn’t even know to let me into his house so I could have a quickie with his roommate – of course, he didn’t know why I was there. So, he let me in, and yelled for Brandon. I came inside, and pulled my headphones out of my ears, and wrapped them around my phone while it was still on my armband.
Brandon came down the hall and looked at me – all sweaty and out of breath in my running gear – and had no idea that my phone was in the middle of a call. He nodded at me, and I followed him down the hall to his room. We closed the door behind us, and I took off my armband and phone, and set it on his dresser. It was perfect. He asked me why I called him, and I told him that I had had a really rough week at work, and just needed it bad, and fast, because my bf was at my house, and he thought I was out on a run. He laughed and told me to get to it. So I did. I had my shirt off in a matter of seconds, and he was right behind me.
I don’t think I actually thought about Brandon at all. You might think I’m crazy for saying that, but it’s true. I was naked, and riding him cowgirl while he was laying back in his bed, and the only thing I could think about was how my phone was about 3 feet away from me with my boyfriend on the other end. It was crazy hot! As much as my boyfriend’s fantasy was to hear me having sex, I have to admit that me knowing he could hear me was waaaay hotter than I ever expected it to be. When Brandon started getting mean again, I came, fast. He called me a dirty slut, and that was it. That, with the phone thing did the trick, and pushed me over the edge. I was into it. I liked it. A lot. I don’t know what that means really – I never pictured myself liking being called names, but for whatever reason, I liked it when he did that evening. He didn’t last long either after that, and let out a nice guttural grunt that could only mean one thing to anybody listening in.
The whole thing was fast, and hot. It was done and over in like 15 min. I actually thanked Brandon for letting me come over as I was getting dressed again, and told him that I might need to go on runs more frequently, which, again, he thought was a fantastic idea. I grabbed my phone and arm band, and left. I was only there about 25 min total. It was exactly what my bf and I wanted: hot, fast, and new. As a bonus we even got to incorporate one of my boyfriends fantasies as well. I had a great time. As soon as I got around the corner, I put the phone to my ear and asked my bf if he liked that, and all he said was “oh my god Courtney, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard”. I told him to come get me, and 10 min later he was there with his car to pick me up and take me home.
We got home and went at it like rabbits all night.
My boyfriend loved and hated every minute of being on the phone. He told me he was about ready to explode the whole time with a range of different emotions. He hated Brandon, he loved me, he was jealous of Brandon, he was proud of me. He told me that when He heard Brandon call me a dirty slut he about lost it, but then he heard me moaning, and that was even more of a mind fuck.
From that point until tonight, I have really been thinking a lot about us, and about myself, and where I want this to go next. I don’t really know what I want yet. But I’m finding that there are things that really turn me on that I had never even considered before.
So, that was all last week. Now, completely shifting gears here for a brief note…
On Wednesday night of this week, I got a call from Matt, which was totally awesome. He asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink. I didn’t have the chance to ask my boyfriend, because I wasn’t expecting anything, so I assumed that he would be ok with it, and I accepted while I was on the phone with Matt. My boyfriend was actually working that night, so I texted him, and told him about the call, and that I had accepted. He was happy for me, of course, and told me to have a good time. I thought he might be upset that I didn’t ask him first, but he was cool with it.
Matt and I had fun. We met up and just talked over a few drinks at a bar. Just a casual friendly drink thing. No kissing, no sex, nothing like that – at least not yet. Just feeling each other out for now and seeing if we clicked. He is a cool guy. He is smart, has a good job, and seems to have a fun outlook on life. My “coworker” and I are going to have to discuss him further. I could see myself expanding my horizons with him a bit in the future. At he end of the night, we made more plans.
We are having dinner tomorrow night ;)