[MF]Ripped it like a Chainsaw

Obligatory was not me but a friend of mine. It is known as the “Chainsaw story”

So after Marine Boot Camp I am at my MOS school. Takes 6 months in total. During that time we get a 4 day weekend due to thanksgiving, and this is where the story takes place.

So before the weekend I got to a local bar with my friend, let’s call him LCpl. Virgin because he was a 22y/o virgin. So while at the bar I decide to be his wingman to hook him up and by the end of the night he makes contact with an 8/10 hottie, gets her number and we go back to base before curfew (when you are training in the Military you usually have a curfew). They talk all night long and she says how she is going to her dad’s cabin in the woods by a lake for the weekend with some friends. Virgin didn’t have any plans to go home so she invited him to join her and her friends for the weekend. Virgin leaves Friday after training to the cabin and I go to spend thanksgiving with another friends family.