[F] I’ve had issues with my body and how I orgasm at times, but my god when it works it WORKS

(Activities with M will be peripherally mentioned.)

My god you guys. I just need somewhere I can talk effusively about this and it’s not something you can talk about with just anyone or anywhere! This isn’t all exactly erotica, if there’s a better subreddit for this post let me know. But it IS 100% true, I’ll tell you that much.

So definitely over the years I’ve been sexually active I’ve always had some insecurity about my orgasms and sometimes even difficulty achieving them. I’m not multi-orgasmic at all, and I mean, I literally don’t know how unusual that is. Some surveys seem to imply only about ~15% of women do, others say up to 80% so I have NO idea whether this is pretty standard or I’m in the minority. But either way, it makes me feel very “less than” other women. Like the way I come is really boring and not as much of a turn on as other women, and I experience less pleasure than them.

And I can’t come from penetration or nipple stimulation or spanking or anything exciting like that, only good old clitoral stimulation. Of course, all those other things ENHANCE the experience obviously! And this I know isn’t rare at all and is the case for most women.