Sneak peek at a new project (Incest)(MF)(Brother/Sister)

Author’s note: This is a sneak peek at a new project I’m going to be working on. If you’ve read the start of my other series Rings of Reshaping, don’t worry I do have more written and even more planned but just had some issues, but I’ll explain that when I get the next chapter posted soon.
Back to this sneak peek, it’s unpolished and unedited as well as written on my phone. The idea had been brewing in the back of my mind for a day or two when I started the drive home from a vacation I’d been on. This scene completely consumed my thoughts while driving to the point I had to turn off the audiobook I was listening to since I wasn’t even hearing it. Finally after over an hour of thinking about nothing else I was forced to pull over onto a highway rest stop to get it written down and out of my head. Luckily it is for situations just like this one that I keep a folding bluetooth keyboard on me at all times whenever I leave the house. Since this wanted out of my head so badly I thought I might as well share it. 
Also a couple things have been deliberately either omitted or slightly changed from what will be the final version. This was done to remove some context of what this scene means for the larger plot because I don’t want to give it away. Probably doesn’t need to be said but all characters are 18+, specific ages will be given in the full project. 

Rings of Reshaping Ch 1 A Package has Arrived (FF) (Genital Transformation) (Masturbation)

*Author’s Note: I wrote this because I love gender swap/genital transformation stories but they seem to almost always be told from the guy turning into the girl even when there is a body swap and while I love reading those stories as well I wanted to see something from the other perspective. Writing this was also fun in that it made me really focus on what I was feeling when enjoying myself. I do plan on making this a series Ch 2 is already in the works and planned out just need to get it from my head to a document*

The annoying repetitive klaxon of my alarm slowly dragged from land of dreams just as I was about to reach the best part a particularly amazing sex dream. As I began to muster the will to move my arm to hit the snooze on my alarm in an attempt to be able to finish my dream, I had hope because I could still feel the delightful pressure of flesh against my flesh and the sweet taste of lips on mine. I finally moved my arm to silence the alarm and was disappointed when I felt the lips pull away from mine.

Anniversary. [MF],[Romantic],[Oral]

*Author’s note: This is my first attempt at writing something like this, and I’m not very experienced at writing in general, but this came to my mind this morning and I had to write it down during my breaks at work and during my lunch hour. I gave it a quick pass for spelling and grammar after work but I’m sure I missed plenty. I’m also aware that I can’t write dialogue to save my life, any critiques would be welcome. All of that aside I hope at least someone enjoys what I’ve written even half as much as I enjoyed writing it.*

“You look absolutely ravishing” I said in a hoarse whisper barely resisting the urge to tear that dress from her body and take her right now as I ran my hands down from her shoulders to her hips, over her skin-tight ruby red-dress. I watched as her emerald orbs flicked down my body as I stood before her in the suit I wore to our anniversary dinner.

“Not nearly as good as you look in that suit” she replied.

Anniversary. [MF],[Romantic],[Oral]

*Author’s note: This is my first attempt at writing something like this, and I’m not very experienced at writing in general, but this came to my mind this morning and I had to write it down during my breaks at work and during my lunch hour. I gave it a quick pass for spelling and grammar after work but I’m sure I missed plenty. I’m also aware that I can’t write dialogue to save my life, any critiques would be welcome. All of that aside I hope at least someone enjoys what I’ve written even half as much as I enjoyed writing it.*

“You look absolutely ravishing” I said in a hoarse whisper barely resisting the urge to tear that dress from her body and take her right now as I ran my hands down from her shoulders to her hips, over her skin-tight ruby red-dress. I watched as her emerald orbs flicked down my body as I stood before her in the suit I wore to our anniversary dinner.

“Not nearly as good as you look in that suit” she replied.