MM First Timer Gives Into Primal Urges

In my mid twenties I was in a long term relationship, while we thought we would be riding off into the sunset together…. I was beginning to think about men more and more.
Fast forward a little bit and we break up, I lived in a small city so I decided that I would move away, as to get away from everything for a few years.
Once I moved I quickly began looking through websites, and grindr looking to explore my deepest desires, which included ordering a butt plug, and a dildo to play with.

I began talking to a guy that was quite a bit older than I was at the time (Me 24, him 46), but I was all the more interested. He had a good job, a house, a car, while I was living in a
small apartment, riding the subway everywhere. I had explained that I had never been with a man but was really curious and wanted to explore my sexuality.