[MF] Maeby we should lockdown.

At this point it’s around Early march 2020 when the lockdowns started. Me and Maeby have gotten into a pattern of  being humans about once a week but never on the same day or same hour it was all up to her really. It was while I was peeing. She had her usual firm grip at my base. It usually take me a minute to pee so we chat.

Josh: so I was thinking about the lockdowns and I figured you would want to go stay with your parents to help them out cause they’re older.

Maeby: I thought I would stay here with you for the same reason?

I mean I’d hoped she’s stayed because if she didn’t I’d have to go live with my parents cause I would have no night care if she left.

Maeby: plus Tony’s parents wanted him upstate at their cabin where they think they are safe from the virus haha. So I’ll have no where to go and since you work online and I’m going to school online now I can work for you 24/7 till the lockdown is over if that’s something you want.

[MF] How I Met Maeby

This story starts December 2019 before the pandemic lockdowns in my area. I have been living alone since college and it’s been pretty fun but in November of the same year my care got cut in half and I no longer had a nurse at night. So after looking at all my options I decided to go with a live in nurse and I could pay them by letting them live with me rent and utilities free. They would also be free to work or do whatever they wanted during the day as I’d have care. I interviewed many people. I first tried an older women that looked like Helen Mirren but ultimately she did not work out because on her first night I could not wake her up for anything after many attempts it got dangerous and my sister had to step in. Nothing happened with my sister you pervs. So after helen I tried 2 more people that didn’t work out for various reasons. Then I get this call from a this 26 year old nursing students looking for work and a living situation and was responding to my ad online. We decide to meet at a local coffee shop. I get there early due to having to take para-transit I’m always early. I was there about 20 minutes when I see the door swing open and this beautiful woman with long and curly brunette hair with at least Ds and a nice ass but I couldn’t look away from her eyes they were captivating. I realize this beautiful woman was walking towards me and sits in front of me:

[MFF] nurse gives me a helping hand finale

So this story took place over a few months ending in the best day of my life, believe it if you wish or don’t either way I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I did.

So after that amazing night nothing of note really happened, we finished finals and I went home for the summer. Going for the summer always sucked because I lived so far from Sarah and Rachel it was a lonely summer, 

So I got a call from Sarah late one night in July, she was clearly drunk but it was good to hear from her.

Sarah: heeey sexy,I miss your COCK in my hand it’s Soo stiff and stuff 

Josh: having a good time I see, I miss you too darlin can’t wait to get back and feel your lips and soak my hands and face in your wetness.

Sarah: Mmmmm I want you soooo baaaaad come fuck MEEEE

Josh: sorry I’ll be back at school in September darlin, I’ll do all kinds of dirty things to you then ok?

Sarah: Boo you’re no fun….

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand part 6

So after that absolutely amazing masturbatory threesome. It was pretty busy cause it was finals week and that leads me to the next beautiful memory. 

So as I’ve said in the past Sarah was a student at the same college I was at. So because she had really tough finals she took the week off to study, and as much as I hated it her studies came first and I always liked that about her. So I scheduled my normal backup to cover her shifts but she got in a bad accident and couldn’t do it. So I took the only option I thought I had…I asked Rachel.

Josh: hey Rach are you sure you’re ok with taking care of me for the week, you sure it won’t be too much with finals and all? 

Rachel: ya it’s fine plus we have most of the same classes so it’s no problem but you’re coming to live with me for the week cause fuck if I’m staying in your dorm.

So we packed up my medical equipment mad supplies and such and head for her house up town. So we get there we unpack my shit. 

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand part 5

I needed to set this one up so It’d make sense so if you just want the nasty scroll down a bit

So the day after that amazing blow job I was busting at the seems to tell Rachel cause I just had to tell someone and she was my best friend. 

So as I often did we studied together at the laundry mat while she did her laundry. 

Rachel: she did what? How was it? Did she swallow? How did she do it? 

So I retold the events of the night in extreme detail. And she soaked it all up, hanging on my every word. 

Rachel: wow you are one lucky man. Speaking of Sarah Can I confess something to you? 

Josh: Rach you can tell me anything you know that, I would never judge you. You’re my best friend. 

Rachel: you know the other day while I was in your room and Sarah “changed” you?

Josh: ya what about it? 

Rachel: while I watched as she jerked you and I kinda got off too…

Josh: ya I know I saw you do it but didn’t say anything cause I didn’t know if you wanted me to know

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand part 4

So me and Sarah had been going strong for a while with the daily jerks and the occasionsal tits in my face. I was loving life at this point but one day it took a turn down a road I never thought a nurse would go. these next few stories are about that till we reach the great crescendo on graduation night but I’ll bet there. 

So I never told you that even though Sarah was my nurse she was around my age and was actually getting a biology degree (she wanted to be a doctor) at the same college I attended so I’d see her on campus and we would even eat lunch together sometimes. 

So now in the spring (last post took place in the fall) she had a class 2 hours before she was supposed to start her shift so instead of going home she’d take a nap in my bed till I got back from class. 

This went on for a while till one day I got back from class and I could her sounds coming from my room it sounds like my bed squeaking and muffled moans so I slowly open the do checking to see if anyone was around first and there she was in all her naked glory riding the pillow I sleep with every night. 

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand part 3

A few of you asked for pictures of Sarah and while that won’t happen, I will tell you I call her Sarah because she a lot looks like Sarah Lance from Arrow but with a bob hair cut that frames her face perfectly

So after the shower incident, we went back to normal hand jobs, when she got there and in the shower but not nothing more unique till this one time with my best friend

So I’m sure you all remember how sarah told me this was our little secret well since this is on Reddit you clearly know I’m bad at keeping secrets which leads me to my next story. 

So in college I had a girl best friend let’s call her Rachel. Rachel and me were thick as thieves we had the same major and worked at the same place, it didn’t hurt she looked like Brooklyn chase in her earlier days. So Rachel loved to tell me about her sexploits and she was kind of a slut. So I told her about me and Sarah. 

Rachel: that’s so cool of her I’m really happy for you and don’t worry  I won’t say a word. But tell me like what does she do and stuff

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand part 2

That first time was amazing, and it slowly became a routine, she’d start her shift and clean me up as I always did after a long day of school. Most nurses would just do a basic wipe down, but not Sarah she would start with

Sarah: I think you need a thorough cleaning, don’t you?

Josh: sure I feel a bit dirtier then usual 

And with a wink she’d start stroking my hard cock, but not just stroke like a machine but caress my length like it was the most precious flesh she ever held, she had the hands of goddess and really made me feel amazing. She kept eating my cum each time saying to was just easy clean up but I knew better. 

So as we kept up our little routine it progressed into making me cum twice a shift. Once when she got there and once in the shower. So one day she came in and I noticed something particularly interesting. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Now she didn’t have huge tits or anything maybe a small B cup but they were perky and I could see her milk dud nipples through the thin white T-shirt she had on. So I couldn’t resist says something:

[MF] nurse gives a helping hand

This is a throwaway for anonymity reasons. Everything I wrote here happened while I was in college in the Northeast in 2010. This is my first time writing erotica, even if this is a memory. So I hope you enjoy. 

So this one day Sarah walks into my dorm room i remember thinking how hot she was, Sarah had an normal body not fat or skinny just normal she had nice butt, small boobs 34B if i recall and a beautiful tight ass. She said “whats up its a beautiful day, lets go for a walk”.Now this is funny cause I’m severely disabled and use an electric wheelchair. Sarah was my nurse and until this day she was just a nurse like the million others i’ve had. so as we are “walking” the conversation turns to sex which it often did cause we’re both huge pervs. she asked

Sarah:Do you jerk off anymore

Josh:kinda but its not all that pleasurable, I just rock in my chair till it helps me cum. Does the trick though in a pinch.

Sarah: so you don’t grab you dick and stroke it?

Josh: no not without being set up for it.