Satisfying curiosity (MM) (Bi-curious) (oral) (long)

Brian’s heart raced as he unlocked the door, laughing nervously as he held it open and gestured to welcome his friend Coby inside. “How is this going to happen?” he thought to himself, not for the first time that eventing “…is this even going to happen?”

It had started innocently enough, a drunken party with friends had introduced the topic of same sex hookups. Around the room various party goers had shared their experiences, from those who pretended to have no interest, to Coby (who’s appetite for dating other men was well known in the group) rolling his eyes at the concept that this topic could even considered noteworthy in the current era.

“I mean … we’d all … LIKE to try it out at one point, right?” Brian had admitted sheepishly, making fleeting eye contact with Coby and then breaking it nervously. “I mean, I challenge any man here to deny that there’s some level of fascination with … another man’s … you know…” he trailed off. He’d had too much to drink and wasn’t forming his thoughts clearly. Coby was smiling at him knowingly with a twinkle in his eye as he stammered. “You have no idea” he winked.

Musings on the unique pleasures of taboo sex [MF][Anal]

(I wrote this as part of a conversation with an online friend, but wanted to share more broadly. Thanks!)

So … possibly the single hottest thing about anal sex is just realizing it’s on the menu. Not just on the menu, you have that sparkle in your eyes and you HAVE to have it and you won’t be satisfied until you feel that special, most intimate, most intense penetration of a large hot cock sliding into your tightest little hole. 

It takes me a minute to pick up on it, you’re large eyes shining up at me, glancing over your shoulder as you walk by. I’m embarrassed that I mistake it for a standard affectionate mood until you push yourself gently against me, one hand sliding to cup my rapidly hardening member and whisper up at me “I need to feel you in my ass tonight.”

Things move fast for a bit after that – scrambling to the bedroom, frantic making out, getting naked and sliding your PJs bottoms over your full rear as you wiggle your hips in anticipation. Then taking a breath, making sure to slow down and start taking it easy and not letting the moment sweep us away. There’s important steps and it’s important to prepare.