Chapter 1 – The vibrator

He bought her a gift for her birthday. He surprised her out of the blue with a vibrator. She didn’t know what to make out of this gesture, and given her cultural upbringing, was taught to lie. A lie to feign dislike towards her sexual expression. So he had to assure her that she is ok to express it. And not just that, but to express it wholly. He told her that only by expressing it fully she expresses anything at all. Otherwise there is no expression. Either you’re completely free with wings or you’re a jailed bird. And he told her that he loved her so much that he wanted her to experience true freedom, to feel like a soaring bird, and express herself fully. He wanted her complete sexuality.

So she accepted her gift. She kissed him on the cheek and looked with loving eyes, tears gently glistening. She couldn’t believe that someone could love her so much. She wondered how grateful she was to receive this love. And she of course questioned if she fully deserved it. She told herself that that could be a question saved for the future and started playing with her new toy.