[MF] Fucking my milf coworker and earning rug burn.

This story took place a nubmer of years ago.

At a previous job I worked at we had openings for a variety of positions and a very nice look lady interviewed and said she would gladly do the duties of two of them at a specific pay rate. No brainer for the bosses, so she gets hired. I trained her how to handle the tech side of the job and we’d sit and chat in between calls or whatever needed our attention, while someone else trained her a more physically demanding job.

She dressed in clothing fit her frame well. We’ll call her Rebecca, she was on the shorter side and had a slight mom bod. While training we’d talk about all sorts of stuff but staying to SFW subjects and over the course of the week I figure she is single and has a great personality so I invited her to my friends group next dinner the next weekend. The work weeks goes by smooth and we’re having fun. She lets me know that she is a mom but her kid stays with the womans ex husband, I’ve never dated or been out with a woman that had a kid before. The thought didn’t bother me, so I was like all good.

[MF] My first time with a squirter.

This took place a few years back and came by complete surprise to me, because she had never warned me of anything even close to what happened when she had an orgasm. Let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised: Now on with the story.

One of my long time female friends and I had started to spend more time around each other. Both of us were gamers along with most of our in common friends. A couple of months prior my significant other had left me and it it turns out my friend had left her ex a while ago from the random conversations that were going around the table as we played. Once in a while I would get up to go outside for fresh air and she followed me out, we talked about random surface level stuff but then we setup a date night. On the weekends my friends and I would go to a bar and get drinks then grab food and sober up as the night came to an end, I decided to invite her out to join us next week.

[MF] Random hookup at the bar on NYE

I was in a chat with someone on here one day wanting to know what some of the more entertaining things I have done out in public, this was the memory that came to mind.

One of my friends and I went out on the weekend to a bar, it was winter and most of the holidays were behind us; however that night was New Years Eve. The bar was mostly indoors but they have a back padio area for smokers. The night was young and we had a couple of drinks between us. We ended up splitting up and going to talk with different groups of friends and strangers out, what else would you do when slightly liquored up.

My conversations were just with some friends I knew there, the people working the door and bartenders I had made acquaintances with. So I go in search of my buddy and walk back to the padio area where I figured he was smoking, not only was he smoking but he was chatting with a couple of ladies I had never seen there. As I walked up he stood and introduced me to them, it’s been a couple of years and the details are foggy at best now so I’ll skip their names. Both were wearing dresses that showed just enough skin to get my attention, nice legs and both of them had been blessed with bigger breasts.I was find of bored, so I sat with them and chilled in the nice cool night air and just listened to their conversation as I didn’t want to butt in or make them lose the spot.