This story took place a nubmer of years ago.
At a previous job I worked at we had openings for a variety of positions and a very nice look lady interviewed and said she would gladly do the duties of two of them at a specific pay rate. No brainer for the bosses, so she gets hired. I trained her how to handle the tech side of the job and we’d sit and chat in between calls or whatever needed our attention, while someone else trained her a more physically demanding job.
She dressed in clothing fit her frame well. We’ll call her Rebecca, she was on the shorter side and had a slight mom bod. While training we’d talk about all sorts of stuff but staying to SFW subjects and over the course of the week I figure she is single and has a great personality so I invited her to my friends group next dinner the next weekend. The work weeks goes by smooth and we’re having fun. She lets me know that she is a mom but her kid stays with the womans ex husband, I’ve never dated or been out with a woman that had a kid before. The thought didn’t bother me, so I was like all good.