Crazy decides that cheating with me is worth it. (Part 2)

Part 1:

More time that I would have preferred (or, really, is healthy) passed since my last story. Probably about 8 months. Crazy and I were still (as she put it), making out. But largely, that meant her coming over to my place, staying over, and us fingering, jacking, sucking and licking until we couldn’t stay awake anymore. I had met her boyfriend a couple times, and I don’t know if the guy was ok with everything except intercourse, if he was a polyamorous type, or if the guy was genuinely as ignorant to what we were doing as I assumed.

We had fucked occasionally, but this was usually her making up some excuse as to why it was ok under a certain circumstance. At one point, her cat was sick and she couldn’t afford to take it to the vet. She asked me for money, and I had $50 in cash lying around. She said that it “meant a lot to her” that I would pay for her cat’s vet bill, and that she needed to fuck me in appreciation. She was a master at rationalization – she wasn’t a prostitute because I was paying for her cat (har har – pussy joke here). Her fucking me was pure appreciation.

It’s always the crazy ones. [M/F]

They say you should never stick your dick in crazy. And, really, it’s true. It’s just an insanely bad idea. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes and all that.

What they neglect to tell you is how fucking awesome sticking your dick in crazy feels.

A few years ago, I started dating Crazy. She contacted me through OkCupid and I could tell from a mile away that she came from a rough childhood. It’s pretty easy to spot trauma survivors if you know what to look for. Thing is, I actually liked her. She liked me. We fucked on the first date, but that’s not where this story takes place. In fact, this story takes place after we broke up.

One thing you should know is that Crazy was spectacular in bed. Like… holy shit. I still have a (VERY poor quality video) that, even years later I enjoy watching her fuck herself. Not only is the video itself enjoyable, but it reminds me of how amazing it was to fuck her.