The Honeymoon Part 1/3 {M/F} {Virgin} {Age Gap} {Masturbation}

*All characters are 18+*

-Please do not steal my stories and claim it as your own.

A little background story- (If you wish to skip the background story, look for the —— symbols)

My name is Victoria and I am currently 25 years old. I grew up in a conservative household so I was not allowed to move out until I was married, and yes, I was a virgin. I met John when I was nineteen and he was thirty-four; I know it’s a big age gap but he was more of a friend to me at the time as he worked at the same grocery store I did. He was in customer service and I was a cashier. As time progressed we eventually started dating, of course behind my parents back. He was the sweetest gentleman standing at 6’4 with dark black eyes like coal and a somewhat muscular body. He also has jet black hair, tanned skin, and always smells like expensive cologne. I on the other hand, I’m pretty short standing at 5’0 with a petite frame and semi-curves. I have green eyes like emeralds, very pale skin, and dirty blonde hair. After weeks of dating we finally made it official as boyfriend and girlfriend. We got mixed reactions especially from our families. Some were supportive and others…. not so much. My mother was very happy and was already looking forward to the wedding. We saved up on our wedding after looking for different jobs and moving in together. The wedding eventually happened four years later and it was nothing but happiness and bliss, also a lot of stress and anxiety but that’s how most of them go.