I had one of my more sexually adventurous moments with my dorm mates during freshman year. It was a school night – so naturally, we were up late drinking. We started playing never have I ever in on of my suitemates rooms. There were about 8 of us in a tiny room- so it was pretty crowded.
I ended up sharing a bed with Blaise. Blaise was pretty hot, and our flirting was constant but hadn’t lead to anywhere yet. Tonight seemed like the night tho. Everyone seemed to be pairing off to hook up and the stars seemed to align for this to be the night it would happen for us.
We started playing never have I ever. It’s a game where you hold all your fingers up – whoever’s turn it is says something crazy that they have done – anyone else who has done that thing has to put a finger down and take a drink. It’s a great game for finding who the sluts are – and I knew it would probably work to my advantage.