When do we loose our virginity? The moment of penetration? The moment of climax? This was the difficult situation that I found myself in growing up. So, I guess it would be best to just tell my story and I’ll let you decide.
It was summer time and I was over at a friends house who I had known my entire life. He had a younger sister that was still extremely close to our age. There was a year, but not more then fifteen months between the two of them and after growing up there, she was like a younger sister to me.
One night, me and my friend were laying on the couches in the living room when we heard the crash of a tree breach break and bang off the side of the house. This caused Kelly and her friend Leanna to scream and come rushing out in just their long sleeping shirts.
They slip seamlessly under our blankets. Kelly with me and Leanna with my friend. I’m sure it was fayne freight, but she nuzzled into me and I could feel her ass gently rubbing against my already hard cock.