The Cabin [MFM] {Threesome]

She was excited to be going to the woods for a relaxing and romantic weekend with Francis. She wasn’t sure what to expect since no man had ever arranged such a romantic weekend for her. She was a little sad that she had to tell Don that she was not able to see him for the weekend, but she was still excited.

It was getting harder and harder to keep Francis and Don in the dark, so to speak, about her attraction to both. And she was quickly realizing that she needed to end it with one of them, but she could not figure out who because she cared for both. Francis was romantic, sweet, and gentle, while Don was more reckless and easy going. She couldn’t decide whom she wanted the most, but she knew she would have to choose. However, for this weekend she didn’t have to make any decisions, and she decided to just enjoy the time with Francis.

He gave her directions to the remote cabin, since it didn’t pull up on GPS well, it was that remote and quiet. The drive along the country roads, decorated in greens, reds, yellows, and orange colors was calming, and as she drew closer and closer, she became more and more excited.

(MF) The Executive Massage

Lori Macdonald is an advertising executive with a high powered firm. In her early thirties she has always dedicated herself to her job. She has put marriage and children on hold. The pressures of her job are starting to wear on her and she is questioning her life path.

“This job is going to kill me,” said Lori Macdonald to her friend Gina.

“Don’t let it stress you out,” said Gina.

“Easy for you to say, you are never stressed,” Lori replied.

“I just find ways to de-stress,” Gina said with a grin.

“I would love you know your secret,” Lori answered.

Gina reached in to her purse and pulled out a business card.

“Take this, give them and they will take all your stress away,” Gina said as she handed the card to Lori.

Lori took the card, it was for the Executive Relaxation and Therapy Center.

“Is this for a massage?” Asked Lori.

‘It is much more than that, ask for Rocco, you won’t be disappointed,” Gina said with a devilish look.

Robotto Or How I Learned To Love The Machine (sci-fi)

Abigail Stager and Ronald Blum are two of the leading AI engineers in the world. Their expertise in developing sophisticated computer learning systems is unmatched. They have recently partnered to start a development company BrainTech that is working to develop real life emotions in artificial intelligence. They have been invited to speak at the worlds largest AI conference in Tokyo Japan. As a special treat they have been booked in the worlds first robot run resort. This resort is testing ground for some of the greatest robotic and AI inventions. Everything from the front desk to the cleaning staff are robotic creations.

The duo arrive from the United States in Tokyo and were picked up at the airport by a robotic driven car. They are amazed at the advanced nature of the vehicle and its driver. Upon arriving at the resort they are greeted by a humanoid at the front desk.

“Welcome to Robotikkusu,” The female robot said in a pleasant voice.

“That is so cool,”said Abigail to Ronald, “Look at the features, it is so life like.”

“I agree,” said Ronald, “They have thought of every detail even down to the eyes dilating.”

What is going on with my wife (Fiction)

It is an early September day as I enter the office of Dr. Joan Fontana a local therapist that deals with marital issues. As I sit in the waiting area I keep going over in my head why I am here. I should just talk to my wife about my issues and concerns, but I don’t want to change what is going on and that is what concerns me. I am very nervous and confused and I just need to talk to somebody about what I am going through.

The door from the waiting room opened and a gorgeous women appears. I am thinking I sure hope this is not Dr. Fontana, how could I tell her what is going on. I was expecting a stern older woman whom I could not possibly be turned on by.

She said, “Mr. Parker, I am Dr. Fontana, would you like to come back?”

I nodded and followed her back to a nice office with a big couch.

“How are you doing today?” she asked.

“Not so good,” I responded.

Who Is This Woman In My Wife’s Body

It is an early September day as I enter the office of Dr. Joan Fontana a local therapist that deals with marital issues. As I sit in the waiting area I keep going over in my head why I am here. I should just talk to my wife about my issues and concerns, but I don’t want to change what is going on and that is what concerns me. I am very nervous and confused and I just need to talk to somebody about what I am going through.

The door from the waiting room opens and a gorgeous women appears. I am thinking I sure hope this is not Dr. Fontana, how could I tell her what is going on. I was expecting a stern older woman whom I could not possibly be turned on by. She said “Mr. Parker, I am Dr. Fontana, would you like to come back?” I nodded and followed her back to a nice office with a big couch. “How are you doing today?”, she asked. “Not so good”, I responded. “Why don’t you lie down and get comfortable and we will see what is bothering you”. “So, Mr. Parker can you tell me about yourself and what is troubling you today?”

Old Friends (FF)

Back in college I had a dear friend Kelly; we were very close and helped each other through the hard times. When we graduated we both went our separate ways, but kept in contact as much as we could. Kelly soon got married and moved away to be near her husband’s family. I dated a lot but never really found someone that I could see myself getting married to. I bought a house in the city and was enjoying being single. I continued to date and when I was horny I would find a guy and get what I needed. Things were pretty good for me, but I still felt something was missing.

One day I was at home and the phone rang. I answered it only to find it was my old friend Kelly. She was very upset and was crying. She had just found out her husband was leaving her for an eighteen year old he had meet on a business trip. She did not know why she decided to track me down, but said that we always were there for each other. She asked if she could come and visit for a few days until she decided what she was going to do now. Her husband said we would give her the money they had in savings but he was moving his new girlfriend in to their house. I told Kelly of course it would be ok to stay with me for a while; I had a big house all to myself and would enjoy some company.

Drinks and more (MFM)

Bill and Joanne were a happily married couple. They had been married for over a decade now and had a pretty good love life. Bill was four years older than Joanne and they met when they were in their 30’s They had both had active sex lives before marriage and would often get turned on hearing about the other past experiences. Bill found that as he got older he started fantasizing about things that would never have got him excited when he was younger. He started off by imaging Joanne with her previous partners. He would visualize himself peering in on his younger wife being taken by another man. He would find himself turned on like never before. He would often get himself off with these visions in his head. He fought these feelings as it was weird to think he would be excited to see his wife getting fucked by an old lover. No matter how hard he fought it, he would still fantasize about these situations. As time went on, Bill started adding himself into the fantasies. He would imagine an old boyfriend showing up out of the blue and three of them would fuck all night long. He wasn’t sure he could ever really share her, but really she wasn’t his to share. Bill looked at it more as a shared sexual experience and if everyone on was onboard who says it would be wrong.

Something amiss with the misses

It is an early September day as I enter the office of Dr. Joan Fontana a local therapist that deals with marital issues. As I sit in the waiting area I keep going over in my head why I am here. I should just talk to my wife about my issues and concerns, but I don’t want to change what is going on and that is what concerns me. I am very nervous and confused and I just need to talk to somebody about what I am going through.

The door from the waiting room opens and a gorgeous women appears. I am thinking I sure hope this is not Dr. Fontana, how could I tell her what is going on. I was expecting a stern older woman whom I could not possibly be turned on by. She said “Mr. Parker, I am Dr. Fontana, would you like to come back?” I nodded and followed her back to a nice office with a big couch. “How are you doing today”, she asked. “Not so good”, I responded. “Why don’t you lie down and get comfortable and we will see what is bothering you”. “So, Mr. Parker can you tell me about yourself and what is troubling you today?”

Lost in the woods. (SCI-FI)

It started out like any normal day. I woke up, ate breakfast, went heading out for my morning jog through the woods. The light seemed odd that morning a strange glow seeped eerily through the trees. As I got further into the woods, I had a strange feeling that I was being followed. I had encountered bears and cougars on my runs before and you could feel their presence. This was different, it was like something else was stalking me. I started running faster and kept looking over my shoulder. I did not see anything but the feeling did not go away. I decided to cut off the path and wait to see of I was indeed being followed. I waited in between two large trees and watched the path hidden out of sight. I waited about ten minutes and no one appeared. I felt then it was all in my imagination and I headed back on the path.

Out of nowhere a bright light blinded me. I became disoriented and stumbled down the side of an embankment. I felt paralyzed and was struggling to breath. I then started feeling as though I was floating into the air. The last thing I remember before passing out was the feeling of icy fingers running over my face.

Group Therapy (Group Sex)

Susie was feeling down lately, she hadn’t had a date in a while and she had not been laid in a long while. She was looking for something to get her out of her funk. She was looking through the newspaper and saw an ad for support groups. One of the looked interesting it said “Lonely, meet new people who are lonely too”. She decided what the hell, why should she sit home on another Saturday night. She wrote down the address and planned to go.
Saturday night came and she headed out to the address. When she arrived at the location in a local business park she went in and did not see anyone. There was a sign on a door that said support group enter here. There were 4 young men and one young woman sitting in chairs in a circle. There was an older man in the center, and they all stopped to greet her. Welcome they all said, Susie said hello. Why don’t you have a seat, said the man in the middle. Susie sat down; my name is Susie she said to the group. They all said welcome Susie.