The Rope Bites [Mf] [bondage]

The rope doesn’t bite, not at first.

It feels slightly cool when he lays it on the back of her neck, the two red strands falling to the floor between her bare breasts. He grabs the strands and starts on the first knot, high on her chest. She closes her eyes. It is not the first time they have done this, but the thrill of the unfamiliar is still present. She tries to picture how they must look to an observer, as she is standing there in the living room, naked, her hands high on her head, while he continues to knot his way down her chest and abdomen, still fully dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. His hands brush her skin, her nipples, her thighs, sometimes unintentionally, other times with very clear intent. The sixth knot in the line down her body comes to rest just above her pussy, untouched so far tonight, but already smoldering after his initial kiss and his scrutiny as she shed her clothes. He pulls the strands through her legs; they fit snugly next to her labia and lift her buttocks before he loops them back to the front. She lets out a soft gasp when he tightens them. As the rope snakes its way up her body – front, under, back, twist, back to the front – her breathing slows, the pressure of the harness calming her as it forms against her skin. Even the two strands pressing her pussy together, her inner lips protruding from the tight fit, are as relaxing as they are arousing. He draws the last bit of rope through the loop on the back of her neck, easing the pressure there, before finishing with a bow high on her back, between her shoulder blades. She doesn’t move when he steps away, but keeps her pose, feet apart and hands together on her head. In the silence between her breaths, the butterflies in her stomach slowly come back to life. His plans for her have that effect, even when she doesn’t know them. Because he always has a plan.

Stricter [Mf] [spanking]

He opened the door before the sound of the doorbell had completely faded. She was always punctual. Her giddy smile greeted him, as it always did, but it slipped when confronted by his stern expression. It returned for a moment when he gave her a wink and a broad smile. Then, as he stepped back and motioned for her to enter, all business once more, she attempted to look equally serious. It worked, for the most part, until she spoke up as she crossed the threshold.

“Hello, uhm, sir?” A little giggle escaped her mouth.

He shut the door with one hand and forced her against it, his other hand on her chest, his own body quickly closing the distance. She gasped as the air was pushed out of her lungs and brought up her hands reflexively. When his lips touched hers, however, she closed her eyes and her arms fell by her side. The bag she had brought fell out of her hand to the floor. They had talked about this, extensively. Now that the moment was here, however, she didn’t know whether her heart was racing because of her nerves or her arousal. His hand crept up and as his fingers closed around her neck, gentle yet commanding, she did know; it was both.

Her Name was Natalie (part 6) [fM]

Natalie placed the plug against my asshole and, despite the loving work she had done with her tongue and some lubed up fingers, I tensed up immediately.


She kept pressing it into me, but it didn’t budge. Only when I slowly exhaled and consciously relaxed my muscles did the silicone plug start to enter me. My eyes went wide as the broadest part slipped inside, my asshole gripping the thin stem.

“Oh, wow.”

“How’s that?” Natalie asked, wiping off the excess lubricant with some toilet paper.

“It’s,” I took a step, “it’s weird, but kinda nice?”

Looking down, I couldn’t see the plug, of course, but I could see the ring that dangled between my legs. When she grabbed it, it tugged a little on the plug and I let out a soft sigh. It really was nice.

“Allow me.”Natalie stretched open the cockring and gently pulled it over my flaccid penis and balls. After carefully letting go, she then pulled everything forward, so that the ring rested as far back as possible.

“That looks good.” Natalie cupped my balls and gave my cock a little kiss, making it twitch.

Her Name was Nathalie (part 6) [fM]

Natalie placed the plug against my asshole and, despite the loving work she had done with her tongue and some lubed up fingers, I tensed up immediately.


She kept pressing it into me, but it didn’t budge. Only when I slowly exhaled and consciously relaxed my muscles did the silicone plug start to enter me. My eyes went wide as the broadest part slipped inside, my asshole gripping the thin stem.

“Oh, wow.”

“How’s that?” Natalie asked, wiping off the excess lubricant with some toilet paper.

“It’s,” I took a step, “it’s weird, but kinda nice?”

Looking down, I couldn’t see the plug, of course, but I could see the ring that dangled between my legs. When she grabbed it, it tugged a little on the plug and I let out a soft sigh. It really was nice.

“Allow me.”Natalie stretched open the cockring and gently pulled it over my flaccid penis and balls. After carefully letting go, she then pulled everything forward, so that the ring rested as far back as possible.

“That looks good.” Natalie cupped my balls and gave my cock a little kiss, making it twitch.

An Open Invitation [mF]

“Look, I really like you, I hope that’s clear by now.”

My heart was thumping in my throat and I knew that, given the chance, I wouldn’t hesitate to call this off. But I had known that beforehand and made sure that now, as she looked at me with a mixture of amusement, curiosity and apprehension, there was no other option than to push forward.

“R-right?” I added, needing at least a little reassurance.

Alison cupped my cheek. I bent down a little while she rose up on her toes to give me a soft kiss on my lips.

“Yeah,” she said, “you’ve made that abundantly clear. For the record, I like you as well.”

I gave her a sheepish smile as she put her heels back on the ground. The top of her head barely reached above my nipples. Tiny, but fierce, that’s how I had come to know her over these past few months. That she was here, in my bedroom, waiting gleefully for me to show her my most private secrets, well, that made me both happy and anxious. Before I could delay any further, I turned around and grabbed the chest from atop my closet. About the size of a briefcase, but twice as high, it wasn’t exactly a feather, with its solid wood and the iron bands covering the curved lid. But I had quite a bit of experience in getting it down and back up there. The padlock, light and modern in comparison to the box, rattled as I put the chest on the bed, almost eager to be unlocked. Her fingers wandered over the dark wood of the lid.

New Life, Old Flame (2/2) [MF] [long]

[Part 1 here.](

As I was driving over to Jack’s house, I regretted my vomit joke, mostly because now I couldn’t get the idea of throwing up out of my head. I want this, I reminded myself, and if it turns out I don’t, I can always walk away. Deep breaths and an open window helped to calm me down somewhat. I parked on his driveway and exhaled slowly before getting out of the car. When my hand reached for the doorbell, it still trembled. The door opened mere instants later.


He smiled sheepishly, a mirror to my own uncertainty. His hair and beard seemed to shine with their own glow atop his plaid flannel shirt as he looked me up and down. He smelled faintly of wood smoke.

“Now I kinda feel like you’re out of my league.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Jack. You clean up nicely.”

“It’s been a while since I had any reason to.”

His eyes flitted away from me, but came right back, along with his smile.

“Come in, come in. I hope you still like game and a single malt.”

New Life, Old Flame (1/2) [MF] [long]

It had been years since I saw the town I grew up in. Well, ‘town’ was being generous. Since moving to the city, I had come to see it for what it was, a village that was only a few deaths removed from being a hamlet. At first I visited my parents for the holidays, occasionally bringing along a boyfriend and, later, my husband Peter. He was born and raised in the city, and I’ve learned that in those cases you either view the countryside with contempt, or through rose-tinted glasses. Luckily for me, my husband holds the latter view. Not only that, but after a bit of a wary start, my parents have warmed up to him to such an extent that I’m not sure who would get them if we ever split up. That is not in the cards at the moment, though.

“Almost there, kids!”

Boss Toy [mF]

She entered his office and could see he had already gotten the news. He was sitting at the small table in the middle of the room, an open notebook in front of him. His pen tapped the empty page to a dejected rhythm.

“Chin up, boss,” she said, closing the door and walking closer.

He gave her a sad smile and shook his head. She wanted to hold him, comfort him, but instead she kept her distance. It had become a habit, almost. But now, as he looked up at her with those dark eyes, she had to force herself to take a deep breath. She grabbed the other chair; her knuckles went white for a moment as she tried to calm herself.

“We can still fix this. You know that, right?” She sat down.

“We shouldn’t have to fix this.” He put the pen down with a force that gave her a start. “They should’ve accepted this.”

“And they will. It’s a good plan, boss.”

He deflated a bit, let go of the pen and rubbed at his eyes with his other hand.

“I should be the one consoling you. All the work you put in …”

So She Said [MF] [poly]

The sound of her electric razor came from upstairs. It didn’t tell me anything new, nothing I couldn’t have guessed. She was going out tonight; of course she made sure she looked and felt amazing. And this wasn’t the first time my wife had gone on a date. I had stopped counting after the fourth one, because it wasn’t exactly easing my apprehensions. But as the incessant buzzing bored into me, the reality of the situation forced itself on me again and before I could stop myself, my mind took the fact that she was grooming herself and ran with it.

I saw her in her light sundress, hat and sunglasses, laughing at something he said. His hand on the inside of her thigh moved higher with an audacity I envied. She leaned back coyly, masking her moan with a contented sigh. When his fingers touched her through her thin panties, their eyes locked. She licked her lips. He pulled the panties aside and traced her smooth skin with his thumb. She sucked in a breath that left as a moan when he entered her ever so slightly. She was wet already, of course. He pushed deeper into…

Happy Anniversary [Mf]

Beyond the window, the city was dark, drab and cold. On the other side, inside the restaurant, neither of them spared it a glance. After so many years — years filled with children and burn-out and sickness and therapy — after all this time, they finally had an evening to themselves. Both of them had spent a lot of time choosing their outfits, so that when they got together in the living room, ready to go out, there had been two open mouths and a stunned silence. Then they kissed, with a fire that had seemed all but extinguished only months earlier. Now, though, it was hot enough that they almost canceled their plans for the evening. He had a hand inside her low-cut dress, her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and his other hand on her ass, pulling her into him. She pulled on his hair, panting into his ear in between little nibbles, letting her other hand wander lower.

“No.” He said it softly, pulling back, but letting his hand rest on her breast. “No, let’s do it properly.”

She smiled, squeezing him through his pants. “This does raise my expectations.”