the naked mile ch2 – touch

Alice tried to cool her cheeks down as she followed the other naked students into the empty gym, her eyes darting occasionally to her teachers toned ass as he walked to the center of the room.

“Ok everyone, settle down” wilkins called from the front of the class
“Some of you might be aware of tomorrows charity track race.’ He said calmly
So we’ll all be running drills today, everyone find a partner.”

Before alice could even move, wilkins called her name from across the room, her heart beating in double time.

She walked over cautiously, her face stained crimson as she felt the burn between her legs again.
“Would you give me a hand with some equipment please?” He motioned towards the small store cupboard.

Barely managing to squeak out a yes, she followed him inside the small cold room, stealing glances at his semi hard dick when he wasn’t looking at her.

Shutting the door behind him he flicked a switch on the wall, the tiny bulb fizzled then went out leaving the room in near darkness.

Alice’s already hammering heart dropped out of her ass as she reached through the darkness and pulled on the door, the thick wood not budging an inch.

the naked mile ch1 – students and staff

All characters are 18+
Alice’s heart thudded when she read the letter in front of her, her hands shaking holding the paper.


Dear miss harper, we are glad to inform you that our school will be a part of the new body positive campaign.

This campaign is designed to improve both confidence and relations between students and staff.

Starting from monday, Please leave all uniforms/clothing and accessories at home apart from footwear and schoolbags.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Kind regards
Miss porter


Its was with this information that alice walked down the road towards college, naked as the day she was born.

She had nearly given her elderly neighbor a heart attack when she left her house, her tits bouncing as she walked.

“Alice! Wait up!” Shouted a familiar voice fron down the road.

“Please no, please no” alice moaned silently to herself before her friend Tyrone ran to meet her.

Before she could stop herself, her eyes glanced down to his freely swinging black dick, already semi hard in the warm summer sun.

The white ‘flower’. Belle swan x Alice Cullen

I wanna give a shout out to


For their encouragement for me writing this series



Alice squirmed quietly on her bed as she stroked her bare slit, the thin beams of morning sun dancing on her pale face as she flicked her clit again, sending a jolt up her spine.

She slowly rubbed her nipples through her thin purple jumper as she wormed two fingers into her tight frozen folds.

Just before she could hit the edge,
Somebody knocked on her bedroom door, sending her scrambling too the chair in the corner before Edward entered the room, a crooked smile Already pulling the corner of his mouth.

“What’s up Edward” Alice said in mock enthusiasm, casually pulling her skirt down a little when she felt the new draft hit her exposed lips.
Thinking her face would’ve been blood red if she were still human.

“It’s almost time for school” he said equally casual his brow slightly furrowed the way he does when he tried too read someones mind.

Naked project day 5 the talent show’s loophole part1

Small bit of housekeeping:
This will be the last 2 chapters of this series for a bit because I wanna write other filthy tales for all you lovely people

So stay tuned for other tales from my naughty corner

Stay classy

Sam sat gingerly in her chair at lunch the next morning, her asshole still sore from playing the role of her best friend’s glove.

As if she’d called her name, Alice plonked herself down in the chair opposite her, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Saaaaam” She said cutely after a few minutes staring, drawing out her friend’s name.

“Nope” she replied blankly, not looking up from her food.

“You don’t even know what I’m asking yet” Alice pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in a mock sulk.

Sam looked up at her friend batting her eyelashes at her.

“Alright What is it?” She said giving in, putting her leftovers in the bin and rising too leave. she’d already had Alice’s hand up her arse so whatever it was would probably be tame she thought to herself As they both walked out of the canteen.

Naked project day 4 hamfisted attempt? nsfw

hope your all enjoying lockdown
Sorry for the gap between chapters, writers block’s made me its bitch for the past few weeks but let me know where you think sam will go next and I hope you enjoy

Stay classy

Samantha hitched her bag onto her shoulders as she walked down the street, her cheeks still burning at the memory of soaking her whole class, Middleton’s nipples poking through her thin shirt at the sight of her cuming on her desk.

“Sam wait up!” Alice called from a few feet away snapping her out of her moping.

She turned to see her friend jogging towards her, her pale tits bouncing around making sam’s clit hum lazily.

“What Alice?” She said still embarrassed.

“That. was. awesome!” she said lightly slapping her on the ass, sending a jolt up sam’s spine.

“…alright it was” Sam finally admitted half smiling, her cheeks still burning.

“Looked like you enjoyed it more than me though” she chuckled, watching her friend blush furiously, Sam’s eyes stealing a small glance at her friend’s shaved pussy.

“Uuuummm Sam, what’s that?” Alice said pointing at Sam’s ass as they walked.

Naked project day 3 biology class

Sam’s pussy was still wet as she walked along the corridor to class, her friend’s ass still dancing in her mind as she joined the line into class.

She walked over to her seat next too Richard at the back of the room, chuckling to herself when she teased him, “dropping” a pencil and bending over to grab it, briefly showing off her already wet pussy making him snatch his textbooks to cover his growing boner.

Before she could get too smug though, the class was called to order by Ms Middleton tapping her ruler on the desk.

She stared at Middleton for moment as she waffled on about today’s lesson.

She didn’t know whether it wa just the day or something else but she started noticing how good looking her teacher actually was.
her purple polo shirt was hugging her figure, causing a few of the guys in the class to awkwardly cover their dicks with their books to varying success.

“Now I’m sure your aware about what today’s lesson will be about” she said bluntly, her eyes looking over the class.

“We will all be covering the basic points of both practical and safe sexual intercourse” she continued.

Naked project day 2.5 biology class preview NSFW

Small bit of housekeeping,

If you haven’t seen my two previous chapters of this series I suggest you check them out to gain a bit of context about the series in general

with that I hope you enjoy

Stay classy


Samantha rubbed her asshole gingerly as she walked down the hall to lunch.

Since this naked program had started, she’d gotten more “attention” in 4 hours than she’d had in nearly 4 years of attending collage.

after waiting in the line for an eternity, She finally managed to get a table to herself at the back of the cafeteria.

Just as she was eating her pudding, her best friend Alice plonked herself down in the chair opposite her with a thud, making her jump and spill some pudding down her bare chest, she gave her friend an annoyed glare, a stark contrast to the grin lighting up Alice’s face.

“Hiiii” she beamed as sam tried and failed to wipe the rest of the pudding off snapping her eyes up too look at her friend, following her long purple hair to her partially covered perky tits that she couldn’t help but linger on.

Naked project day 2 saved by the bell end NSFW

Samantha clutched her stomach as she walked in line towards the gym with the rest of her class.

She was still fuming at the college asshole, mr Gregory, for stopping her using the bathroom before class because of her recent tardiness,
marching her towards her lesson her stomach growling for relief all the way there.

“Hey you ok Sam?” Richard whispered from behind her, snapping her out of her fantasy of kicking Gregory’s ass, the line was so packed she could feel his half hard dick rubbing against her leg as she bent double again trying not to shit.

“Get me outta here” She whispered desperately, her grip on her ass slipping letting out a small fart.

“Ok” he said he said eventually his eyes looking at the line of students in front of him before spotting the one he wanted.

“get ready to run” he whispered before subtlety sticking his foot out in front of the girl in front of them, making her fall head first onto mr Mathews, both landing on the floor in a heap of tits and limbs, the rest of the class crowding round to help them up.

Naked project day 1 NSFW

Best friends Samantha and Richard are facing their last month of collage, but as they prepare for their final exams the school approves a new program to promote body positivity in their departing students which will require all students to attend the college NAKED for the last month of term.

will they pass? Or will they fail? And what trouble will they get into on the way…

Everything had changed for Samantha when she’d gotten her letter, the paper feeling a hundred tons in her bag as she walked to school, her bag the only thing covering her bare pussy.

She had decided to walk alone today, still cringing at the memory of her neighbour mrs Norris staring at her as she walked by.

She also didn’t want Richard seeing her naked until he had too, the thought of him staring at her body making her cheeks burn scarlet and her clit hum quietly.

Before she could give her clit any attention, she was snapped out of it by someone calling behind her, her stomach dropping out her bare arse when she saw who it was.