In Emily’s Pocket Ch. 02 [FM 20’s] [Gentle Femdom] [Mind Control]

Chapter One : [](

Sorry for the delayed update! Thanks for reading!


Emily leaned in close and whispered in my ear, “Would you like to know what I have in mind?”

I nodded, unable to make a peep.

She smiled up at me, “Ok, then. Take me to bed and I’ll show you, Baby.”

I scooped her up and carried her to our bedroom. I was a slave to her voice and filled with a desperate need to show her how complete her control over me was. It was an overwhelming desire bubbling up inside me. Obey her, my mind insisted. Do whatever she says. Give her everything she wants. It felt like every single cell in my body was waiting for Emily to tell me what to do. Her lips were so close to my ear I could feel them brush against it. “Do you want to make me happy, Devon?”

I shivered with pleasure. “Yes yes yes,” I said, almost like a chant. I was practically incoherent with need for her. I couldn’t withstand her voice when she wielded it against me like that. All I wanted to do was to throw myself at her feet and be consumed by it. So I told her, “Em, your voice makes me melt.”

In Emily’s Pocket Ch. 02 [F22M22][Gentle Femdom][Mind Control]

Emily leaned in close and whispered in my ear, “Would you like to know what I have in mind?”

I nodded, unable to make a peep.

She smiled up at me, “Ok, then. Take me to bed and I’ll show you, Baby.”

I scooped her up and carried her to our bedroom. I was a slave to her voice and filled with a desperate need to show her how complete her control over me was. It was an overwhelming desire bubbling up inside me. Obey her, my mind insisted. Do whatever she says. Give her everything she wants. It felt like every single cell in my body was waiting for Emily to tell me what to do. Her lips were so close to my ear I could feel them brush against it. “Do you want to make me happy, Devon?”

I shivered with pleasure. “Yes yes yes,” I said, almost like a chant. I was practically incoherent with need for her. I couldn’t withstand her voice when she wielded it against me like that. All I wanted to do was to throw myself at her feet and be consumed by it. So I told her, “Em, your voice makes me melt.”

Begging Ashley’s Forgiveness [FM][Fdom][mc][humil]

I was stretched out on a lounge chair next to Millie’s pool, trying to tan, when I felt something block the sun. Her idiot brother, Nick, was standing over me. I forgot he had moved back in with his parents after dropping out of college. Nick was saying something to me, but I couldn’t hear him with my AirPods in my ears. I took one out, even though I had no interest in listening to him stumble through making a pass at me.

“…you lately. What have you been up to?” he was saying. Nicholas was not subtle about checking me out. His eyes scanned up and down my body and it was honestly so creepy. For a minute, I wished I had on like a full fucking jumpsuit, instead of my tiny bikini. Then I decided I would rather just make him leave so I could get back to tanning without being leered at.

“I’m sorry?” I asked, not even trying to hide how much I loathed him.

In Emily’s Pocket Ch. 01 [FM][GentleFdom][mc]

I think my girlfriend Emily had been using some kind of hypnosis, mind-control spell on me for weeks before we even noticed. She started to suspect that something wasn’t right when she made an off-handed comment one night before she went to bed. We were watching a movie on the couch and she decided she was too tired to finish it so she was just going to go to bed. Before she got up, she asked if I would straighten up the living room when I got a chance. She meant sometime over the next few days. There was no specific rush. Under normal circumstances, I would have taken it that way, but this night I didn’t.

After she kissed me goodnight and went to bed, I started having a really difficult time paying attention to the movie. I kept zoning out. The room did seem messy. There was so much clutter. How did we live like this? I started noticing everything that needed to be wiped down or scrubbed. I saw dust on every surface. In my head, Emily’s request that I pick up a little bit of clutter had ballooned in importance and intensity. Our filthy living room needed a deep clean and it needed it right that moment.

At Sophie’s Mercy – Ch. 03 [FM][Fdom][mc][humil]

Once we landed in Miami, John got me settled in my room at the five-star hotel where he was footing the bill. I told him I planned on staying indefinitely and I didn’t care if it bled his bank account dry. In fact, I preferred it that way. At the first opportunity, he scurried away to go spend the night in his own room. He had booked a dirty, cheap motel room across town. He didn’t want to stay there, but he didn’t have a choice. I told him to and John’s pathetic mind folded under the force of my will. He was just as weak as every other man, unable to disobey a single word I said.

I was fairly new to my power of total domination over men. Until John tried my patience, I had only ever used it in very small ways. Just light pushes here and there to test the boundaries of my abilities. John was this high-powered executive who grabbed me inappropriately when I was his server, so I decided to make him suffer. I was currently in the process of spending every dollar he had, while looking for other ways to ruin his life and make him miserable. I was planning on spending weeks in the nicest hotel in Miami, eating at exorbitantly expensive restaurants, and piling as many shopping bags in John’s arms as he could carry without collapsing. I was going to have a great time. I expected John to be reduced to tears and broke by the time we went back home.

Hooking Up With My Sister’s Best Friend on our Family Vacation: Part 6 [MF]

I did my best to adjust to life without Nora after we got back from the camping trip. By the time school started back up I was ready to clear my head of thoughts of her. I went out with a bunch of girls from school. Some were dates. Some were just hookups. Everything fizzled out quickly and I never felt anything as exciting as my fling with Nora. After her, everything just kind of felt flat.

School wasn’t going that well in general. I was getting burned out in my classes and only started to realize that Engineering may not be for me when I had failed classes two semesters in a row. I was at a pretty low point. So when my buddy, Cole, suggested that I take a year off and come work with him in the mechanic shop that he ran with his dad, I was relieved to have an out. It was nice to have some sort of a plan, even if it wasn’t a particularly ambitious one.

Called Into My Husband’s Office for Teasing Him at Work (FM)

It wasn’t even noon yet and I had already finished baking for the day and cleaned up out back. I walked up front to the sales counter where my husband, Mike, was fielding orders by himself with a line out the door. I stood in the doorway for a moment and drank in the sight. He looked so sexy in his flour-coated apron. And, God, his arms! Mike’s short shirtsleeves stretched tight over his huge biceps. I loved to watch him work. There was something about watching him charm every customer with his smile and expertly keep the line moving that was so fucking hot.

I put a hand on his lower back to get his attention, “Need any help, Babe?”

“Oh, no, I got this. You can finish up out back.”

“I’m all done.”

“Well then it sounds like you’ve earned a break,” he smiled down at me.

“You sure you don’t need help, Baby?”

“I’m sure. Now go rest!” He playfully shooed me out back and then went back to the register.

Obedient Ch. 6 (MF)(Fdom)(mc)(humil)

In the weeks after the game night with Sophie’s friends, things were more or less normal. Or it was until I got a text from my brother inviting me and Sophie out to dinner with him and his fiancée. My biggest fear was that Sophie would play games and ruin my brother’s relationship. His fiancée seemed like she was really good to him. All I had to do was ask Sophie not to interfere in a way that didn’t get me in trouble.

I waited until Sophie got back from a shopping trip. That was usually when she was in the best mood. She had dozens of shopping bags spread out on the bed and she was taking out everything she bought and showing it off to me. She had to have spent over ten grand on this one trip alone, but it was nothing for Sophie. She could have walked out with all of these items for free without even trying, but she liked to buy them. I think it was more fun for her to spend real money. She easily could because she made a seven figure salary at a job that never required her to do any work or even come in to the office.

Hooking Up With My Sister’s Best Friend on our Family Vacation: Part 5 [MF]

I woke up hours later, feeling disoriented in the dark tent. I felt around for my phone. The screen was so bright I had to squint. According to the clock, it was almost 9 PM. My mind buzzed with the dazed feeling that you get from sleeping the day away and waking up after dark. I unzipped the tent flap and crawled out. The air was surprisingly cool after the heat of the day. My parents, Amy, and Nora all sat around a crackling fire, which flung sparks up into the sky. Nora, I noticed, was dressed for bed, wearing baggy sweatpants and a hoodie from her school. She was sitting on a log with Amy and resting her head on Amy’s shoulder.

Everyone turned to look at me as I walked over. “Well, look who’s back from the dead!” My dad laughed. I grunted in response. After grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler, I fell into one of the empty camp chairs. I was trying not to look at Nora too much and I felt like she was doing the same. God, it was so hard keeping up the charade. All I wanted to do was pull her into my lap.

Hooking Up With My Sister’s Best Friend on our Family Vacation: Part 4 [MF]

Once we got to the car, I went back to pretending to be more exhausted than I felt. The sun was climbing high in the sky, so there was hardly any shade to be found. Nora spotted a tree on the edge of the parking lot for us to sit under. It was only mid-morning, but the day was already getting hot and we were starting to sweat. I noticed little droplets forming on Nora’s temples. Even sweaty and exhausted Nora was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen.

Amy caught up with us a few minutes later. We all hopped in the SUV. The girls sat up front and I stretched out behind them. Amy rolled down every window and cranked the volume knob. The SUV roared down the winding rural roads. With the wind whipping through my hair and across my face, I closed my eyes. I had a moment where I realized that I was experiencing one of the best days of my life. One of the last hot and sleepy summer vacation days of my youth, spent hooking up with a gorgeous girl in secret and filling her mouth and pussy with my cum as often as she’d let me. It was literally the summer vacation of my dreams.

Categorized as Erotica