[F] At the mall, I “assisted” a virgin friend.

I have a male friend who is a virgin. I’ve known him almost my entire life. If you haven’t guessed from previous posts, I’m the polar opposite of him. I have an overactive sex drive and am naturally a sex positive individual.

I’ve always been a big jerk to him. Mostly because I know it turns him on, but I also know he won’t do anything about it. I honestly enjoy watching him become overly excited and sexually frustrated. I’ve previously used handjobs to help relieve his sexual tension. I’m a tease, but I’m not a blue balling asshole. That’s just a cruel thing to say.

We were sitting in the mall’s parking lot. I’d eaten a pot edible about 30 minutes before, so it was just getting started. We were just sitting there chatting when I noticed his gaze drifting to my chest and legs. It’s no surprise that when I go out, I dress quite promiscuously. I enjoy the attention.

I started teasing him by squirming in my seat. Lifting my dress, moving my hands around my thighs, flirty eye contact, and lip biting. Basically, all the signs one would exhibit when wanting to “fuck,” lol.