[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 1)

So it’s been a month since I posted about the scavenger hunt that S had me (and by extension two of my other friends) while we were at the beach for spring break. Since I completed all five items on my list she had to do a five item list that I had for her. Initially we had talked about it all happening over the course of one weekend… but school and finals and S’s graduation (!!!! We’re so proud of her!!!) got in the way. So in the end it ended up being a month long endeavor for her.

Now before I get into the story of what happened I figure I’d give y’all the big update. Like I said S graduated this weekend so she is moving on to bigger and brighter things! But with that we decided to end our FWB thing we had going on and just stay friends. I’m mostly bummed cause I really enjoyed how close we grew this past semester with all of the moments we shared both sexually and otherwise but I feel like such a more liberated person for it.

[F] 21 Spring Break Scavenger Hunt The Update

Ok buckle in friends cause this is gonna be a long one…

So to recap this weekend I went to Spring Break with my Roommate E and our other really good friend S2. My casual FWB S was supposed to come with us but ended up in quarantine and due to a bunch of political things within her sorority couldn’t come. Now I owed her a punishment as part of our FWB agreement and she gave me a “Scavenger Hunt” to complete during our weekend away in Florida.

The List:
1. Get Some Good Dick
2. Get Ice from the Ice Machine. Completely Naked.
3. Naked Ding Dong Ditch someone else’s Hotel room
4. Skinny Dip in the Ocean AND the Hotel Pool
5. Go Streaking somewhere Outside of the Hotel

[F] 21 Spring Break Scavenger Hunt

So actually nothing to report from the past few weeks since the pledges naked mile through the party, but in advance of this weekend I do have something to share…

So because of Covid my university canceled spring break which is a major bummer. Though my roommate E and I are deciding to still try and make the best of it and we’ve been planning a mini beach spring break this weekend. Originally it was supposed to be a group of four of us going, S, my Roommate E, our good friend whose name also starts with an S so we will call her S2, and myself. We were planning on sharing a two bedroom hotel room on the beach in Florida which admittedly is still the plan. The only issue is that earlier this week S and her sorority ended up in university mandated quarantine again due to Covid.

Now if you haven’t been following along with things so far S and I have been sleeping with each other for about 3 months now so I was pretty bummed that she couldn’t come with us (this is now her second time in quarantine and while she definitely isn’t sick it is also the second time her sorority has been identified as a “cluster” so she has to be super careful about what she does in case they get in any more trouble).

[F]21 Hook-Up to Start the Semester Feels like Cheating

So it’s been awhile but I figured I’d post another update. S and I have sort of become unspoken FWB the past few weeks. Nothing serious or as sexually adventurous as the first two times (unless you consider the fact that casually hooking up with another girl is pretty adventurous for me).

Anyways this past weekend was when everybody was getting back to campus and of course it resulted in several parties over the past few days. I was really excited to have all of my friends back in one place and to hang out before the semester started. We were at a party at the same house that S and I had to run our first naked mile at together. It was fairly low key (cause of the pandemic you know) but people were still excited to be back and see everyone.

Like I said S and I have an unspoken thing, but not anything close to kind of official. So idk why but I, while drunk, got really jealous of her when she went home with some frat guy I’d never met. So much so that I decided that I needed to hook up with someone that night…

[F] 21 Losing a Bet, Getting Caught Streaking, and Getting Dominated by a Friend

So here’s another update on my sex life for those of you still following along. If you haven’t feel free to read back through my previous posts and catch up if you’re so inclined. Also I apologize to those of you who hate the initial thing. This time I’m only gonna use one and that’s for my own piece of mind and continuity lol.

So S and I have been flirting via text pretty much non stop since we hooked up NYE. It felt pretty harmless since I’ve never hooked up with another girl before and because when we we’re hanging out in person with our other friends everything felt super normal so it felt like a thrilling secret we both shared. Honestly I was probably the person who escalated everything when I sent her a Snapchat of the hickeys she had left me on my tits.

[F] 21 My New Year’s Eve Recap (aka my roommate paying up and my first lesbian experience)

Ok so as promised here’s the update from last night on the streaking bet I had with my roommate (who we’ve decided to call E, that she lost) and as the title says the very interesting events after… Bear with me cause I’m super fucking hungover right now and there are parts about last night that I straight up do not remember.

Ok so a few weeks ago E and I made the decision to host a party in our ok sized 2 bedroom apartment. We’ve had some parties before with no more than 10 people and it worked out fine and since most people were still out of town because of break and Covid. It ended up being myself, E, S (our friend from other stories), one of S’s housemates and Sorority Sisters (we can call her R), my really close friend S2 (yeah the anonymity here might get a little confusing) and her boyfriend, our friend L and her boyfriend, and two guys who live nearby and one of their girlfriends (all three of which will remain without a pseudonym for a variety of reasons…). So with 11 people total it was a really full apartment lol.

[F] 21 The Result of the Bet with My Roommate to see who goes Streaking NYE


So my first post was in the heat of the moment basically right after I won and was really excited (still am) but I figured I’d fill y’all in a bit more on what happened. To catch up if you haven’t been following along my roommate (who we can call E from here on out) and I made a bet that the loser of a game of beer pong between us would have to go streaking down our street at midnight NYE. They would also have to try and convince as many people at the party as possible to join them.

Now today was the first day I’ve been back in our apartment since I went home for the holiday. Now while she did not have the table set up and waiting for me like a few predicted we did decide to set up some cups and play tonight. After dinner our friend S came over to serve as the ref (cause E spilled the beans on the bet the other night). Now idk if it was the pressure of the moment or if I had the exact right amount of sake at dinner to be peak drunk for this game but I was on fire. In fact I almost skunked her (how perfect would that have been? Two naked miles for one game of pong) but I had trouble making the last cup and she managed to make it respectable (with her redemption shot she only lost by two cups).

[F]21 I Made My Old Prom Date go Streaking before I Fucked Him

So first off I’ve decided since I’ve been posting here a lot recently (and a hell of a lot more than I thought I would when I first started posting) that I’m going to try and be more detailed in my confessions (while still maintaining my anonymity as much as possible). So I apologize if this is long and rambling.

Those of you who have been following along with my posts know that recently I hooked up with the guy that took me to prom, since we are both home visiting family for our respective breaks, and that my roommate/best friend and I made a bet on a game of beer pong (that is still yet to be played) the loser of which has to go streaking at midnight NYE.

[F]21 an Update that is Slutty this Time! (Aka some more streaking and a semi naked party…)

So if you haven’t been following along with my potential spiral into exhibitionism check back on my previous posts for the full background of what lead into this party I attended last night. The short recap is several weekends ago I got skunked in beer pong at this party and had to run a naked mile around the party with this other girl (who for the purposes of this story we will call S) who was my pong partner. She ran the lap with her underwear on while I ran it completely naked. She was very drunk a few nights ago and started messaging me about it (see my last post) basically saying that if she had to do it again she’d be sure to do it fully naked.

All that brings me to last night… I go to a fairly large school that has a big football program (we’re really terrible). All of that is to say Saturday’s with college football are a big deal, so after watching us get trounced on National TV again we gathered at a friends apartment to hang out and commiserate the loss. Normally these are much bigger parties, but following a loss and with the semester over and a lot of people having gone home (not to mention there’s a pandemic going on…) it was a much more subdued affair. Just some hanging out and some casual drinking games.

Getting Naked Miled and a Random Hook Up [F] 21

So I posted last week about getting skunked in beer pong and having to run the naked mile through my apartment parking lot. It’s the first time I’d ever done something like that and tbh I haven’t stopped thinking about it all week. To the point that I was even considering losing on purpose to do it again at the small parties I was at Thursday and Friday.

Well either my better judgment or competitive nature wouldn’t let me lose on purpose those two nights but last night was a different story… it was game day so of course I’d been drinking all day and after watching our school get embarrassed again on national television I was feeling it. So much so that it didn’t matter if I wanted to lose intentionally or not. This time it was me and this sorority sister who I really only knew from parties like this one who got skunked. Of course the two guys we were playing immediately started egging us on telling us we had to do it, house rules, etc… etc… The other girl was very much trying to get out of it, and to my surprise I found myself not joining her in protesting but I’m trying to convince her to do it…