[F] 22 Senior Year Scavenger Hunt (an update in multiple parts… this one about making a “rival” run a naked mile)

Sooo it’s been a long time since I’ve posted… mostly cause I’ve been busy finishing my final year… and for those of you that care… I GRADUATED!!

Now if you’ve been following along you know that I created a “Scavenger Hunt” for myself to complete by the time I graduated.

Over the next few days I’m gonna attempt to finish updating you on all of the crazy things I did/attempted in my quest to finish this list. So to get me back into the swing of things I’m gonna start with a hopefully short story of a task from the list: Get a Sorority Sister to run a Naked Mile.

Now for those of you who haven’t been following along at my school we have a rule that when you get skunked in beer pong (aka don’t make any cups) you have to streak naked around the party or house we are currently at. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens often enough that it makes playing pong that much more interesting and in my opinion fun (having been both the witness and streaker in this scenario).

[F] 22 This Years NYE Bet

So some of you may be familiar with the bet I made with my roommate last year which lead to an interesting night…

Anyways this year we had planned to do something similar only with a bigger party with more people… but then between Covid and people backing out of plans at the last minute my roommate and I were basically planning on spending the evening just the two of us and trying to put a dent into the case of Prosecco we had bought for the occasion… (we thought this was gonna be like a 20 person party).

That kinda got thrown for a loop when our friend O and his girlfriend S3 reached out and said they would be in town (originally they were on the fence). Now S3 is pretty new to the friend group. O is one of the two guys who’s house it is we hang out at all the time (S2s boyfriend is his roommate). He took part in last year’s adventure with his then girlfriend (they broke up awhile back then he started dating the new girl). All of this is to say he knows E and I well and had some idea of what might have been in store.

[F] 22 Fucking a Freshman so I could Streak thru my Old Dorm (only to bitch out on part of it)

So this will be the first of a few updates on my scavenger hunt and life that I post in the coming days (aka the much needed winter break). These probably aren’t as fun as some of my other updates, but… C’est La Vie.

So as some of you may know this is my senior year and I have challenged myself to a fairly extensive “scavenger hunt” of sorts. It’s a list of (mostly slutty) things to do before I graduate in May and have too go become a real adult.

One of the items on the list is to try and sleep with someone from every class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Grad) and another was to streak through the hallway of my old freshman dorm.

Now it was a game day which as you can probably guess is one of the days that I party the hardest. And we were playing one of our rivals that day so it was an even bigger party than usual (we would end up losing).

[F] 22 A Halloween Hook-Up, Flashing at a Football Game, and just a General Update

Hey Y’all

Lots of folks have been asking me for an update… so here it is lol.

Unfortunately there isn’t much to update. It’s been a really busy part of the semester so I haven’t had much of a chance to get into anything crazy (at least not crazy like the other things I’ve posted about here lol).

TBH it’s actually been the driest spell of this whole “slut phase” of mine (till this past weekend that is lol). So I apologize if this isn’t as exciting as y’all hope it would be lol.

First off E and I have actually become decent friends with the volleyball player I hooked up with a month or so ago. Like surprisingly decent friends. To the point where E became one of her pre match hook up (she didn’t believe me when I told her how rough she could be… she barely made it back to the apartment the next day lol). But all of that is to say that I now get invited to student athlete parties now? Which is kinda cool. But I’ll move on before talking about new friends becomes to wholesome for this sub lol.

[F] 22 A Scavenger Hunt Update and Getting Fucked by a Volleyball Player

Hey Y’all. We’re now a month into the semester (or there abouts) so I figured I’d update you on my Senior Year Scavenger Hunt and tell you about what happened to me last night…

Bleach my hair: I know this isn’t exactly high on the list for y’all but it was a pretty big step for me. I still have a few more sessions to go before it’s a blonde as I want it to be but overall I’m really excited about it. So CHECK!

Birthday Sex: if you hadn’t noticed I’m 22 now so another year older and another year wiser! Now I’d never actually had birthday sex before (mostly due to long distance relationships and what not) but I was determined to get some on my birthday this year (it was a week or so ago to give y’all some reference). Now both because it was a weekday and because I wanted to make sure I actually had an orgasm (it was my day afterall) I didn’t just pick someone random up from a party. I instead called up my old FWB (well before S and before the pandemic) who came back to campus this semester because Covid is “over” on campus for all intents and purposes.

[F]21 Lost Bet Beach Streaking and Having Sex with my Roommate (also F21)

So as I promised here’s the story of what happened at the beach with my roommate E. Also I’ve decided that with the new semester starting next week I’m gonna go back to posting the interesting things that happen to me for y’all to enjoy. I’m also planning a year long scavenger hunt for myself since it’ll be my senior year (some of y’all have already passed along some super great suggestions already lol).

Ok so if you saw one of my more recent posts you’ll have noticed that E wasn’t exactly having the best of summers (getting arrested and strip searched because of your dick ex-boyfriend will do that). So while she had been invited to come along to the beach with my family and I it was especially important to me that she had a good time in light of those recent events.

[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 5 The Final One aka A Game of Strip Kings)

Alright. So last one. I’m gonna try and be brief and cut to the fun parts for y’all.

It was S’s last night in town (she had to move out pretty quickly after graduation to spend a few days at home before her new job wanted her to start) and she decided that she wanted to have a few friends over to hangout and casually drink to celebrate.

Now I had a feeling that I knew what was coming since she had been pretty clear about completing the whole list by the time she left town so I was sure to show up prepared for anything (specifically a strip game of some kind which was the final item on the list).

There weren’t a lot of us. It was the three housemates that lived there S, R, and K, myself and my roommate E, her newish boyfriend, and S2 and her boyfriend. We started out drinking and hanging out and mostly just reminiscing. Then S brought out a deck of cards saying she wanted to play Kings.

[F] 21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 4 aka The Streaking through Campus One)

Ok second to last post about this Scavenger Hunt. And if I’m being honest this will probably also be my second to last post at least for awhile (if not ever). I started writing these to try and figure out the feelings I had revolving around this public nudity stuff and the around my feelings for S… after that it morphed into kind of a creative writing exercise that I found myself kind of enjoying… I’ve found that I’m not really getting any of the same things out of posting anymore so I figured I would share the last of these confessions with you and then ride off into the summer sunset to continue my newfound slut phase unobserved lol.

Anyways with that announcement out of the way here is the one story that I wasn’t present for but did get some video, pictures, and the full story after the fact so I have it on solid proof it happened.

[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 3 aka Sex in a Bar Bathroom)

So this will probably be the shortest story of S’s Scavenger Hunt but one of the hottest for me personally…

So task 3 was to have sex in the bathroom of this bar/club we always go to on Thursdays and weekends if we want to go out. This was two nights after our Skinny Dipping episode so I know at least I was still feeling some pent up horniness…

The place is packed (as it always is) and we had been there long enough for me to be pretty lit… so I’m not entirely sure how it all happened, but I ended up going to the bathroom with S and because it was so busy we ended up sharing a stall (I’m guessing it was part of the plan…)

I don’t even remember if I needed to pee or not when we went in there but no sooner had the stall door closed then S had me pinned against the stall wall. She wasted no time in starting to just go to town making out with me, pulling my hair, and kissing my neck. Somewhere in this exchange is where she managed to get my underwear off (I had been wearing a low cute dress).

[F]21 My FWB Scavenger Hunt (Task 2)

So this is the continuation of my now former FWB S’s Scavenger Hunt. Item 2 on the list was to go skinny dipping in the pool of the apartment complex that was down the street from where we both lived.

So this one happened about two weeks ago. It was a Thursday night and I had stayed in to work on a project I had due for one of my classes the following week while S had gone out to one of the clubs/bars we would frequent with her sorority sisters (which was a frequent Thursday night event for them so it wasn’t weird that I wasn’t hanging out).

Now it was probably about 1 am and I was the majority of the way through a bottle of wine when I get a very drunk text from S telling me to come outside and to bring a towel with me. Now at first I was concerned that something had happened to her that she was texting me so late on a bar night and saying to bring a towel. I put the project I’m working on on hold as I make my way downstairs to the parking lot and find her there very drunk but otherwise very fine.