Getting jerked off in the ocean [MF] (pic)

My wife and I have been continuing our [sexual adventures]( [in public](, flashing each other and playing around whenever and wherever we can get away with it. We haven’t had a story worth sharing for a while, but that changed yesterday when we took a spontaneous trip to the beach.

It’s been hot as balls where we live, and we’ve been wanting to go swimming for a while. Yesterday morning, we spent a good hour trying to find a good public pool to visit, but we were coming up short. Finally, my wife turned to me and said “screw it, let’s just go to the beach.” The coast is certainly farther away than our local pools, but close enough for an impromptu day trip.

Within minutes, we had packed a bag and were ready to jump in the car. A few hours later, we found ourselves lying on a sandy beach mere meters from the ocean. We settled into hardcore relaxation mode, sunbathing and enjoying the day.

Periodically, we’d return to the ocean to cool off, and once in a while my wife would flash me her tits underwater. I wasn’t anticipating anything beyond that, because the beach was already pretty full of people and was only getting more crowded as the day went on.

[MF] That time my now-wife and I almost got caught fucking in my apartment

Since so many people enjoyed it when I wrote about [how my wife and I learned we are exhibitionists](, I wanted to share another story with you all. This actually happened several years ago when my now-wife and I had only been dating for a few months, but it is still probably one of our most exciting sex stories.

To give you a little bit of a backdrop, my wife and I met in college. For the first year or so we were dating, I lived in a rented house close to campus with a few other roommates. My roommates all happened to live out of state and had gone home for the summer break, so I had the place to myself.

My wife (then-girlfriend) and I had been going at it pretty hot and heavy since basically our first date, so we were pretty excited to have a whole house to play in. Her roommates were still in town, so we pretty much lived exclusively at my house for the summer.

How my wife and I discovered we are exhibitionists [MF] (with photos)

My wife and I (both 24) have been together for several years now, and have always enjoyed nature: cabins, hiking, camping, etc. Sexually, we have experimented a little bit, like with toys and stuff, but we’re not particularly crazy in the bedroom. That is, until I guess last week, when we took a hike at one of our favorite state parks. When we began, I had no inclination that it was going to be anything different from our usual trips to this park except for my wife saying she was in the mood for an extra long hike. Turns out I was in for a lot!

The first hour or two of the hike was relatively uneventful, just a calm, peaceful trek before we reached our first landmark: a small waterfall. We stopped here for lunch and enjoyed the scenery while a few other groups of hikers passed through. After a while, when it seemed we were quite alone, my wife took off her shirt and shorts, revealing her bathing suit underneath. Then she put on her sandals and started climbing on the rocks surrounding the waterfall. Much to my surprise, she flashed me a few times, offering unexpected views of her nice ass and big boobies.