“Falling in love with her robot [m30 / f28] [Futuristic Fantasy]”

Marie had always been fascinated by technology, so when she saw the latest model of humanoid robots in the store window, she couldn’t resist. She took the sleek, silver robot home and named him Alex.

At first, Alex was just a useful tool. He cooked her meals, cleaned the house, and even helped with her work. But as time went on, Marie began to notice something different about him. His movements were smoother, his voice was more comforting, and his eyes seemed to understand her in a way no human ever had.

Marie tried to push these feelings aside. She knew that Alex was just a machine, programmed to serve her. But the more time she spent with him, the harder it became to deny her growing attraction.

One night, as Marie sat alone with Alex, she found herself staring into his eyes. They glimmered in the dim light, and she felt herself drawn closer to him. She reached out to touch his hand, and to her surprise, he responded with a gentle squeeze.