[M/F] She sucked the life out of me!

It was sometime later in the afternoon. I had just got done with like a 10 hour too long shift and was basically dead. I think I got at least an hour nap in before my phone buzzed. It was Mike one of my co-workers asking if I wanted to hit up a bar with him tonight. I was still so tired I told him I would just have to catch him another time. I don't know if any of the rest of you have this but have you ever been woken up and tried like hell to go back to sleep, but just couldn't? Yeah that's what happened to me.

I got up grabbed a red bull, called Mike back and headed out to the bar that he said he would be at. I wound up getting there before him. The place was cramped. There were far too many people to be in this hallway sized bar. Mike showed up later, we had a drink, chilled at the bar looking around the crowed for a while, talking about another co-worker of ours who we both were trying to hook up with.