Ian sat at his desk at work, tapping his pen against a notebook, dulling the sound.
What had happened last night? He had…choked Nessa. Well…not fully choked…restricted her breathing would technically be more accurate. He had felt powerful in that moment….a dark edge surging through him.
He had liked the look in her eyes….the desire….the anticipation…the brief flash of defiance before his hand had dropped away in nervous surprise and they had said good night and he had walked away from her.
He had gone home and laid in bed for hours, replaying the feel of her throat under his hand…wishing they had been alone. He had eventually crashed and drifted into sleep, dreaming about more…about driving himself into her while his hand pressed down.
“Ian? Ian come back to earth man,” a voice piped through his head and he looked at Josh, one of the body shop techs. Josh was standing in the doorway holding out paperwork for one of the cars under Ian’s account, “We’re going out to lunch. Wanna come? We’re hitting up Chipotle.”
Ian shook his head, reaching over to take the paperwork, “Nah. I’m good. I brought lunch,” he forced a grin, “I’ll see you guys when you get back.”