Releasing Their Desires: His Thoughts [MF] [SoloM] [Choking Mention] [MDom]

Ian sat at his desk at work, tapping his pen against a notebook, dulling the sound.

What had happened last night? He had…choked Nessa. Well…not fully choked…restricted her breathing would technically be more accurate. He had felt powerful in that moment….a dark edge surging through him.

He had liked the look in her eyes….the desire….the anticipation…the brief flash of defiance before his hand had dropped away in nervous surprise and they had said good night and he had walked away from her.

He had gone home and laid in bed for hours, replaying the feel of her throat under his hand…wishing they had been alone. He had eventually crashed and drifted into sleep, dreaming about more…about driving himself into her while his hand pressed down.

“Ian? Ian come back to earth man,” a voice piped through his head and he looked at Josh, one of the body shop techs. Josh was standing in the doorway holding out paperwork for one of the cars under Ian’s account, “We’re going out to lunch. Wanna come? We’re hitting up Chipotle.”

Ian shook his head, reaching over to take the paperwork, “Nah. I’m good. I brought lunch,” he forced a grin, “I’ll see you guys when you get back.”

Releasing Their Desires: Her Thoughts [MF] [SoloF] [BDSM] [Choking Mention]

Nessa sat at home the next day, feet tucked under her on the couch. All her appointments were done for the day, and she was taking a much needed break, knitting a cowl for herself.

Well….trying to knit a cowl. She hadn’t gotten any further in a bit…the Great British Baking Show playing on her TV.

Last night had been…she was still processing her feelings about last night. She had texted Ian when she had returned to her apartment, and nothing had been said about…what had happened in the mall parking lot.

In fact…she and Ian hadn’t really talked at all. A goodnight text last night….a good morning text today. Then….nothing really.

Nessa put her knitting in its basket and closed her eyes, laying back on the couch. Subconsciously she reached up and stroked her throat, remembering the feel of Ian’s hand across it….the pressure as he pressed lightly.

Nessa opened her eyes, brown eyes staring up at the ceiling, “Alright self…stop just skirting the…topic here,” she muttered to herself, “You aren’t doing yourself any favors here.”

She had felt….desire…when his hand pressed against her throat. A dark edged desire.

Releasing Their Desires: The Beginning [MF] [MDom] [BDSM]

Nessa and Ian walked towards the exit of the mall, holding hands and laughing about the movie they had just finished watching at the movie theater.

“Did you hear that woman two seats down that basically squawked when the killer beheaded the blonde as he came around the corner?” Nessa smiled up at Ian as they stopped by the doors to the outside.

She reached into her pocket, pulling out a teal hat she had knitted and shoving it on her head, her short brown hair barely poking out from under the ribbing along the bottom.

The hat also had the unfortunate effect of flattening her bangs against her forehead so they hung down in front of her eyes. She reached under the hat and used her hand to push her bangs either way to the side.

Ian watched her settle her hat with a smile. Nessa hated having bangs, but had caved the last time she saw her stylist and let her do bangs with the new short style she now sported.