I ate my best friends pussy after she broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years [F/F].

I’m a bi lady. I’ve been bi ever since I was a teenager and started having sexual attraction towards people. My friend, Melanie, has been by my side ever since we were in high school. We are both in our mid 20s now. We are inseparable. She’s straight. But she has admitted that she’s had sexual thoughts for girls, just never acted on them.

She has been with her boyfriend for over 5 years. Honestly they were a really good couple. I thought they fit perfectly together. It seemed like they would be getting married anyway. Well recently he broke her heart. He didn’t cheat. He just simply said he didn’t feel right being with her anymore. She had no indication that this was going to happen. She adored him. She was broken when he told her.

I (25f) ate my best friends pussy after she broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years.

I’m a bi lady. I’ve been bi ever since I was a teenager and started having sexual attraction towards people. My friend, Melanie, has been by my side ever since we were in high school. We are both in our mid 20s now. We are inseparable. She’s straight. But she has admitted that she’s had sexual thoughts for girls, just never acted on them.

She has been with her boyfriend for over 5 years. Honestly they were a really good couple. I thought they fit perfectly together. It seemed like they would be getting married anyway. Well recently he broke her heart. He didn’t cheat. He just simply said he didn’t feel right being with her anymore. She had no indication that this was going to happen. She adored him. She was broken when he told her.