Movie Theater Fingering [MF]

The movie theaters have just opened up again after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I have a movie date with a lovely, young MILF. (I’ll be honest, I have no idea which movie we watched, as I was far more interested in my company than the screen.) We arrive at the theater with time to gather snacks, and time for me to admire the way Sarah’s blue jean booty shorts hug her ass and leave little to the imagination. I buy us a large bucket of popcorn to share, and we take our seats in the nearly-deserted theater, high in the back rows. I pretend to pay attention to the movie for a while, but it’s clear I’m not the only one having trouble focusing when I feel a soft touch caress my knee. I return the favor, and Sarah and I begin to run our hands up each other’s thighs while staring straight ahead at the movie screen. As we’re in a public place, and despite having been sexting each other for a while, we haven’t yet done anything sexual in the physical world, so it’s a slow progression of testing each other’s desires. My hand moves up her leg, slowly migrating to her inner thigh. In parallel, her hand caresses me and glides up my thigh, stopping just shy of my now very erect shaft. It’s I who makes first contact, and Sarah rewards me by spreading her knees apart and pushing her hips up against my hand. I’ve just grazed Sarah’s fly, but I know I’m on the right track. I begin to rub circles around her clit, and I’m met with more grinding against my hand. I rub and rub as Sarah is unable to suppress her moans; quiet, breathy noises escape her lips. Suddenly, a lull in the movie stops us in our tracks. I hear a couple in the far back row shift in their seats and I’m reminded of just how public and exposed we are. Of course, this secretly excites me more, but as I don’t wish to be kicked out, we pause our fun.

Becoming the Boytoy of a MILF [mf]

I arrive home after a long day at work. I step out of my car, walk inside, and collapse onto my bed, exhausted. I start to scroll through Reddit, out of habit more than anything. I see some cute pictures of cats: a grey one, an orange tabby, and a little black kitten, all cuddled up together. After a while, I start to doze off, my eyelids slowly coming down over my field of view, then blinking open, only to start coming down again a moment later. Just as I start to let sleep take me, I’m brought back to lucidity by a sudden buzz from my phone.

Huh, that’s strange, Reddit shows a message notification. I quizzically tap on the little envelope icon in the bottom corner of the screen.
“Hey there, I saw your post last week. I’m just wondering if you would be interested in chatting.
My name is Maria, by the way. I recognized that beautiful sunset and skyline as the same ones I see from my own backyard”