Need a review on my first writing that im doing for my girlfriend.

Context- We’re dancing in prom night

I held her waist tight with my hands and her arms were on my shoulders. The music was loud but I could still hear her nervous heavy breath, or was it mine? Her beautiful brown eyes were locked into mine. As we danced I could feel the tension between us, her eyes would take a break to look at my lips for a second and would shift back up to my eyes. I ran my hands onto her back, going downwards for a second as if to tease her then pulled her closer slowly. She looked surprised. I leaned in but just as I was close enough to smell her lipstick I shifted towards her ear, I whispered “You wanna get out of here?”my heart was racing, unsure of her answer. She took a second as if to think about it then nodded as though in a hurry. She couldn’t wait to be alone with me either.