Train ride to heaven part 2 (FF)

Two weeks after the eventful train ride, I had finally called her. I didn’t even know her name and she didn’t know mine, but I plucked up my courage and called the number she had written on the note that she had given to me. After the initial surprise that I had actually called, she had sounded happy and excited to talk.

I discovered that her name is Gloria and that she lives about half an hour away. We decided to get together for a drink on a Friday night to get to know each other and we’ve haven’t stopped meeting since. She’s told me about her job as a nurse and that she had moved to the area after her studies, preferring the quiet over the city noise just like me.

Today was our 4th date and we were telling each other about our lives and what had been going on. Summer was in full swing and we were enjoying our glasses of wine on her terrace while the evening sun shone its golden light upon our faces. I leant my arms on her table after putting my glass of wine back down and enjoyed the view of her backyard. She had a willow tree in the far corner and a small pond with a little waterfall with a few fish in it. A big outdoor daybed was next to it, with an umbrella to provide shade against the sun and a few side tables.

Trainride to heaven (FF)

I was riding the train home on a Saturday late afternoon after a day of shopping in the city. The sun was shining through the window and I was enjoying its warmth on my face while I watched the landscape change from apartment buildings and busy streets to trees and green fields. I enjoyed a day in the city every now and then, but the peaceful countryside is where I felt at home. Especially in summer, with the smells of flowers and freshly mown grass. And what a summer it was this year. Temperatures had been quite high and everyone had been enjoying the nice weather with barbeques, long evenings outside with a drink,…

While thinking about the bottle of white wine waiting for me in the fridge and the book I was planning to read on the terrace, a woman sat down opposite me. I glanced at her and was immediately taken by her beauty. She smiled at me and I politely smiled back. She must’ve been around my age, but slightly taller. Her brown, curly hair fell loosely around her shoulders and she had striking green eyes. My eyes were drawn to her full lips that were accentuated by her red lipstick. For a second I thought about what they would feel like against mine, but I quickly pushed the thought out of my head. Then my eyes fell further down and they widened a bit.

There’s a first time for everything [foursome, lesbian, oral, anal, restraints, spanking]

Every first Friday of the month I get together with my 3 best friends from college. It’s been a tradition ever since we shared an apartment and watched movies or went out together. We all graduated a few months ago, but we continue to try and see each other once a month and have a good time over a few glasses of wine. This time however it’s just me and Elena since Savannah and Aubrey had some family celebrations going on. I arrived at Elena’s house with a bottle of our favorite rosé wine and rang her doorbell.

“Hey girl! How are you? Come on in,” a happy and excited Elena said after opening the door.

“I’m good thanks. Long week, happy to start relaxing,” I laughed at her while handing her the bottle of wine.

“Are you still seeing that creep you were seeing last time..?” she asked wearily.

“No, definitely not. Just a long week at work,” I reassured her.

“Good, you can get better than him,” Elena responded determinedly while I bent down to untie my laces and take off my shoes.

Happy birthday, honey [F26/F30] [first time lesbian, seduction, light Fdom, roommate]

This was my first time writing an erotic fictional short story
I got off the bus after a long day of work and walked to the apartment that I shared with 3 other girls. It was the day of my birthday but I was already looking forward to the weekend. We planned on having dinner together on Friday and then go out for a few drinks to celebrate my birthday. A perfect way to end the week. I waved at our neighbor, a friendly old lady who walks her dog every evening, and entered the apartment.