There’s a first time for everything [foursome, lesbian, oral, anal, restraints, spanking]

Every first Friday of the month I get together with my 3 best friends from college. It’s been a tradition ever since we shared an apartment and watched movies or went out together. We all graduated a few months ago, but we continue to try and see each other once a month and have a good time over a few glasses of wine. This time however it’s just me and Elena since Savannah and Aubrey had some family celebrations going on. I arrived at Elena’s house with a bottle of our favorite rosé wine and rang her doorbell.

“Hey girl! How are you? Come on in,” a happy and excited Elena said after opening the door.

“I’m good thanks. Long week, happy to start relaxing,” I laughed at her while handing her the bottle of wine.

“Are you still seeing that creep you were seeing last time..?” she asked wearily.

“No, definitely not. Just a long week at work,” I reassured her.

“Good, you can get better than him,” Elena responded determinedly while I bent down to untie my laces and take off my shoes.

“Especially with that nice butt of yours. You know, someone’s going to have a lot of fun with that someday,” I heard her say while she gave it a few quick pats before walking into the kitchen.

“Doubt it,” I mumbled to myself while following her.

“I hope you don’t mind. Since Savannah and Aubrey couldn’t come, I’ve asked two girlfriends over that I met some time ago while going out. They’re really nice, I think you’ll like them too” Elena smiled at me. “They’re over in the living room, probably already eating the snacks,” she laughed.

“Sure, I don’t mind. It’s always good to meet new people” I smiled back at her. “Do you like one of them?” I asked her while wiggling my eyebrows.

While her curvy figure always made her popular with men, Elena has always been into girls exclusively. Knowing I appreciate both men and women, she often set me up on dates since she was the social butterfly compared to my more reserved self.

“Stop it,” Elena laughed. “You know I’m just enjoying my time right know. Nothing serious,” she said. “Come on”.

We walked into the living room and Elena introduced me to her friends “So Hazel, this is Katie and that’s Selena. Selena and Katie, this is Hazel, we were roommates back in college”.

We exchanged greetings and started to get to know each other, talking about where we were from and where we had gone to school. Apparently Elena met Katie and Selena in some club that they visited together every now and then, if they weren’t going out somewhere else.

“You should join us some time,” Selena said. “You might meet some more people.” I had just explained the story of my failed dating life, after which Elena complained that I’m inside too much.

“You mean to that club?” I asked, knowing that I’m not really interested in clubbing.

The three girls exchanged a few glances before Katie giggled “Well…if you want to go there, it will broaden your horizons, that’s for sure”.

Elena shot her a look before she seemed to think of something. “Well, actually… maybe we should introduce you to it…”

“Ok, why are you all looking so secretively all of a sudden?” I asked confused.

“Oh fuck it, I’m just going to say it,” Selena suddenly said. “It’s a BDSM club. That’s what it is”

“A WHAT?” I exclaimed while shooting a wide-eyed look at Elena.

“A BDSM club,” Elena said calmly as if she had just said that she was going to the supermarket. “Listen, I know it sounds a bit shocking, but it’s really not as crazy as you imagine. Besides, don’t you even try to fool me and tell me that you’re not at least a bit into it. I saw those smutty novels you read in college,” Elena smirked at me.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Yes I read BDSM-themed novels, but I had never tried it in real life. “I can’t believe you saw those!” I exclaimed a bit embarrassed.

“Honey, I can’t believe you never at least tried to explore it,” Elena answered. “You don’t need to be embarrassed about it. We understand.”

“Ok, but I’m not just going to walk into a club like that,” I said a bit panicked.

“Well, you don’t have to,” Selena said. “Perhaps we could…show you a little bit..?” she said while looking at the other girls. “It might give you…a feel of what it’s like” she laughed quietly. “But only if you’re comfortable”. The other girls smiled and seemed to agree with the idea.

I was a bit stunned at her proposal, but interested at the same time. These were all beautiful women, I couldn’t deny that. But never did I imagine that I would be in the position where I could have an experience like this, with multiple women. I had experienced one night with Elena in college, my first time with a girl, but that was it.

Elena moved a bit closer to me and put her hand on my thigh. “Well, I would be happy to introduce a new experience to you if you want”. Her hand started rubbing up and down my leg and I looked up into her eyes. “And to be honest, I doubt that you’ve been sexually satisfied these past few months. We could help you out if you trust us.”

“I-I do trust you,” I said quietly. “You’re my best friend.”

Elena’s head moved to my ear and she whispered “Then let us show you how amazing it can feel.” I quickly looked to Katie and Selena who were kindly smiling at me and I nodded my head.

“Ok…” I whispered.

Elena got up, took my hands and helped me up. “Let’s move this to some place more comfortable, shall we?” she smiled with a naughty glisten in her eyes.

“Don’t worry, you’re in good hands,” Katie said as she and Selena followed us upstairs to the bedroom.

“Wait here,” Elena said before going into her bedroom. When she came out, she had a mask in her hand. “Let me put this on, it will enhance what you’re feeling and make you less distracted.”

She went behind me and put the mask over my eyes. Meanwhile I felt her give a quick kiss to the back of my neck. Once everything was dark, I felt someone grab my hand and pull me towards the bedroom.

“Hazel, do you know what a safeword is?” I heard Katie ask.

“Yes,” I answered her. “Red is stop, orange is slow down and green is all good.”

“Good girl,” Selena said before giving my hand a kiss. “We’ll use those. Everything stops if you want it to, ok?” I nervously nodded my head.

I felt soft lips on the side of my neck. Softly and slowly kissing up to the corner of my mouth, before they planted themselves on my lips. I felt a hand on my cheek and waist and I moved mine to the person’s waist. In the meantime I felt a second pair of hands traveling down my back, landing on my hips. I started to feel aroused. The hands moved lower and squeezed my ass, making me moan.

“Mmm, you’re right. She does have a great ass, Elena,” I heard Selena say. “I wonder what we can do with that…”

“I have some ideas…” I heard Elena respond.

Katie deepened the kiss, and her tongue touched mine. I felt hands moving under my shirt, touching my stomach. They moved up towards my chest, but didn’t touch my breasts. They kept roaming over my stomach and sides. Suddenly I felt one hand on my ass cheek and another slowly moved towards my breast, squeezing both. I started to moan at the feeling and felt myself getting wet.

Katie’s mouth moved down towards my neck, licking and kissing along the way. Her mouth was replaced by Elena’s, who’s taste I still remembered. I felt Katie kiss towards my cleavage as she started to unbutton my blouse.

“Let’s get rid of this, shall we…” she whispered as I felt my blouse getting looser.

Once undone she kissed just above my bra before taking the blouse off. Meanwhile I felt Selena’s lips kiss my lower back, just above my jeans, before her hands moved to the front. She toyed with the button of my jeans before undoing it and slowly lowering them. I felt her kiss all the way down, my lower back, both ass cheeks, down my legs… Elena’s hands then moved to my ass and into my underwear to squeeze it.

“Mmm…you’re so incredibly juicy,” she softly moaned.

I could only moan out as I felt her touch me while other hands and lips were stroking and kissing me on my neck, stomach, breasts… I felt Elena move down and kiss me just below my bellybutton. Her hands grabbed my hips before taking down my underwear, while another pair of hands loosened my bra. Both garments fell to the ground and I stood there naked.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous…” I heard Selena groan before I felt a pair of soft, warm hands touch my bare breasts and someone deeply kissing me again.

A pair of thumbs circled my nipples that immediately hardened. I raised my hands to feel someone’s bare arm, it seemed that they meanwhile got undressed as well. I moved my hand to the person’s side and up towards their chest. I felt a full, soft and round breast and I moaned at the touch. It had been so long since I was able to touch a woman like this.

Two hands made me spread my legs, before two pairs of lips kissed up my legs. I felt in absolute heaven. Never had I been touched or aroused like this. I felt my nipples being squeezed and pinched, before the sting was massaged out again. Before the lips kissing up my legs reached my pussy, they stopped. I felt someone take my hand and turn me around half a circle.

“Bend over,” I heard Elena say.

She placed my hands on a wooden surface, I presume a nightstand. Two hands rubbed over my ass.

“Isn’t it gorgeous?” I heard Elena ask.

Suddenly I felt a light slap on one of my ass cheeks. Then a second on my other ass cheek. After a few slaps they became a bit harder and I moaned at the slight sting. I felt myself getting wet as my vagina started pulsating.

“I knew you would like that,” I heard Elena say. “Do you want it harder?”

I felt a hand stroking my back and another hand moving under me, stroking my stomach and up to my breast, squeezing it softly before someone kissed my neck. Another hand softly dragged its nails over my sensitive ass.

“yes,” is all I could whisper.

I felt sharp sting after sharp sting as someone spanked my ass, stopping every now and then to massage it and drag their nails over the sensitive skin. I had never felt these sensations before. Two pairs of lips attached themselves to my nipples and started sucking.

“Oh my God” I moaned out.

I felt their tongues lapping at my erect nipples, while their hands stroked every part of me that they could reach. A hand moved between my legs and I felt two fingers glide between the lips of my pussy. It was too much. Too much that I was feeling at once, but so glorious. I felt the fingers rub my clitoris, while the mouths continued to kiss, suck and lick at my erect nipples. A hand kept coming down on my ass and other hands were stroking over my body.

“I-I…” I panted.

“You’re going to cum, sweety?” Katie asked.

“Yes!” I moaned out. I felt the finger move away from my clit and the lips released my breasts.

“No!” I panted. “Please…”

“Aaah, patience, sweetheart” Selena laughed.

I felt someone helping me up before sitting me on the bed and pushing me further down. My arms were brought above my head, and I felt a soft, silky scarf tying my hands to the bed. Hands were stroking me al over my body, and someone kissed me. Her lips sucked on my lower lip, her tongue danced with mine… I felt two pairs of lips kissing and licking up my legs again. They were spread wide and my knees were brought up towards my head, before they were kept there by some soft rope.

“Do you have any anal experience, Hazel?” Elena asked.

“No,” I said nervously while clenching my butt cheeks.

“Would you like to explore that a bit today? I promise we can stop at any time if you’re uncomfortable. I won’t hurt you,” she whispered.

I felt nervous but at the same time so turned on. It was something I was intrigued with, but never dared to try before. But here amongst these women…

“Ok, I trust you to be careful” I whispered.

Someone kissed me between my breasts before moving down over my stomach. Licking, kissing and sucking along the way. Finally their mouth reached my pussy. I felt their warm breath before a pair of soft lips carefully started sucking on my clitoris.

“Oooh…” I moaned out.

Hands were stroking my thighs and another pair of hands was on my neck before moving to my breasts. A soft pair of lips touched mine and we started slowly and sensually kissing. Her tongue flicked over my lower lip and I gave her entrance to my mouth. The hands gently massaged my breasts before pinching my nipples. Another mouth touched one of my nipples before sucking it and swirling their warm tongue around it. I moaned and whoever was kissing me now also moved down to my breasts.

I felt Elena massaging my ass while she kept eating my pussy. Her tongue swirling my clit, moving inside my pussy and moving back to my throbbing clit. Suddenly I felt a lubed up finger lightly massaging my anus. My hands clenched themselves as I inhaled sharply. Elena sucked softly on my clit while her finger pushed against my anus.

“Just relax, you’re ok. Push down a little bit.”

I did as I was told and I felt the pressure on my anus increase, before her finger entered me for the very first time.

“Oh my God” I panted, while I still felt Katie and Selena suck on my nipples and stroking my body.

Elena brought her mouth back to my pussy and started sucking on my clit again. Her finger slowly and carefully moving back and forth in my anus. I had never felt so vulnerable, yet so aroused. So many sensations at once. Then I felt two fingers feel their way between the lips of my pussy, before gently inserting themselves into my vagina. I was panting and moaning hard as I felt all these sensations. Unable to move. A finger moving in my anus, another two in my vagina, Elena sucking my clit and my nipples being licked and sucked by Katie and Selena.

I moaned louder and Elena picked up her pace, curving her fingers inside my vagina. While her fingers entered my pussy, her other finger left my anus. Back and forth, perfectly synchronized. I felt one nipple being sucked at a time as well by Katie and Selena. Left, right, left right. I felt my vagina clenching and I knew I was close, but I couldn’t get out any coherent words at that point.

“Ah-aaah” I moaned and panted.

“Let it go, Hazel. We’ve got you,” Elena said.

My orgasm rolled over me like a wave and my eyes rolled to the back of my head while I moaned out loud. My legs and arms pulled against their restraints as I trembled. Elena slowed down her pace and carefully removed her fingers from me once I came down from my high. Katie and Selena kissed me and stroked my face while I felt Elena clean me up. They carefully released me and removed my mask.

“Well, I guess I’ll join you to that club sometime” I smiled tiredly before being hugged and kissed by them.


1 comment

  1. Super hot! How did the night continue? The girls must have been riled up from taking care of you!

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