I fucked my ex’s (married) friend [MF]

I dated a girl for a while and long story short we broke up. One of her friends was a girl I really clicked with and we would flirt via text all the time. Nothing that really crossed the line (we were in college everyone flirts) but there was definitely some sexual tension.

Well by the time we broke up, her friend had moved off across the country. When she found out we broke up, she immediately texted me. We talked about it and she helped make sure I was ok and everything. We texted a lot for a few days then she lets me know that she’ll be in town the next week. As soon as I heard that I knew I’d have to make sure we hung out. I wasn’t really sure what her plans or intentions were because I knew she was married.

Fast forward to the weekend she was in town, she was staying with a friend who was staying at her parents house. I went over there, picked her up, and took her to Buffalo Wild Wings. 🤷🏼‍♂️