Political parody erotic novel – NSFW

Should I finish this… is there a better place for this… just feel it has to be done…

On Tuesday, everyone looked at America, knowing they would never be fucked as hard as American’s were during the debate. In a 2020 world, most were almost envious of the no longer great nation. The rest of the world was actually socially distanced, and longed to be fucked again.

No-one however, had a desire to be spread quite like Covid-19. Seeing the news beats Wednesday AM, Covid-19 was no longer okay with anything going more viral than itself, and decided to take down their evil reptilian cousins. Droplets spraying everywhere… Covid-19 entered the Trumps’ lives. Knowing that deep down, Trump longed for his Throat to be filled, Covid-19 intended on filling Trump’s suppressed desires in a way that even the DicK-tator himself could never have dreamed up….