[MF] [Update] I had amazing, rough sex the other night, but I’m conflicted. I was his booty call last night

So a few of you might have read my post from last night, which you can find [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessions/comments/b76tkm/i_had_amazing_rough_sex_the_other_night_but_im/) The gist of it was that I had amazing, rough sex with a guy that I think is a huge asshole, and I was conflicted about it.

Well, as luck would have it, he texted me soon after I posted it. He asked me what I was doing. When I told him I was just hanging out watching TV he told me to send him a pic. I sent him a selfie of me under my blanket. “That’s not what I meant.” I debated for a bit, and then sent him a pic of me topless. He asked if he could come over. I debated and told him I wasn’t sure that it was a good idea. He asked why? I was honest and pretty much told him what I had said in my last post. That he’s not the type of person I’d normally hang out with. That I had never had someone be rough with me like that and I was a bit conflicted about it. He told me to be honest and ask if I liked the sex. I said yes. “Be honest. Even though it was rough, you liked it, didn’t you? You got off?” I admitted that yes, I had. “So what’s the problem? We can separate our social lives and sex. I think there’s a girl inside you that liked me using you like that. You liked it, I liked it, let’s have fun.” I debated it for a bit. He was right, and some of you last night had said that it doesn’t matter if he’s an asshole if the sex was good and he didn’t do anything I told him not to. It was a good point. About 10 minutes later he texted me a question mark. I reluctantly told him to come over. “Good girl.”