that time I lost my virginity to a sex worker (I mean like two weeks ago)

Virginity is a bit of a weird concept. I'd never had actual sex before a couple of weeks ago — I grew up shy and had bad body acne for the longest time (the two not unrelated) — but I've been known to hang out at BDSM clubs, and I've had lots of e-mail sex with a long-distance ex — we got off to each other's stories many times. (Unfortunately we broke up before trying anything in person). She had a lot more experience than me, and gave me a lot of feedback on what would or would not actually work. I guess this made me a bit of an odd virgin.

I've never had serious moral objections to sex work, in principle, done with full consent, but I'd never really considered it, because I figured it would be difficult to tell if a sex worker was exploited or coerced, and I want no part in that.