[MF] Thinking with the small head

When I was a college sophomore many years ago, it was a period of time when the Pill was widely available and STDs were rare, at least among my peers at college. I’d lost my virginity as a freshman to Leann, a longtime girlfriend I’d had in high school. She was a year behind me and attended a different high school. We’d done most everything except PIV intercourse when I was a senior and she a junior, our reluctance stemming from an fear of pregnancy. Early in my freshman year she phoned to tell me that her mother had taken her to a doctor to get a prescription for the Pill – to “regulate her period” was the rationale, perhaps just for Leann’s father’s benefit, as her mother probably noticed our increasing physical intimacy and wanted to ensure that “regulate” meant “keep occuring.”

Leann and I fucked several times during that school year. She visited me a few times and spent the night in my dorm room, and I’d occasionally go home for the weekend and we’d find a private place for a quickie. Things continued through that summer, but our time together came to an amicable end when she enrolled at a college 1000 miles away. I could go into more details about Leann, but my story now is about what happened next.