[FM] Technically I never touched him

Hi! I’m Cindy and I have a confession to make, it’s taken me a while to finally write this and I hope it will give me some relief because I have felt so guilty about this (even though technically I didn’t do anything). Sorry if this is longer than the usual confession but I don’t have anybody to talk to about this.

I’m happily married now but last summer me and my husband were going through some serious problems and we even separated technically when he moved into a hotel for a while. I’m not going to go into all those boring details but we had a low point and every relationship has its low points. We are much stronger now and ya spoiler but we are not getting divorced. But it was a very tough time and lots of terrible things were done and said and it’s hard to express how alone I felt at that time. But I am no angel either and at that time I have to confess I was talking to a guy online and having some riskay conversations for sure without my husband’s knowledge. That’s part of what I want to confess now.