[28m] Sloshy Halloween Romp 2/3 [mf]

English is still not the first Language, bear with me

…and the fastest way there is by a lick of your lips and it is on your tongue, tongue dancing around .y dangerously stiff manhood. It threatens to spew decadence into you and all around you, and all over you. You could stop… My pained groans of enjoyment whitewash your sensibilities and I coat the back of your throat with a flurry of warm gratitude. Your senses swell and are broiling with emotion. Every scent and sound and throb of my mast is your own possession. The delicate motions of your lips against the padding of your leggings grabs and pulls at them as you wish I will later that eve with my own careful teeth and beard clad lips. You follow my hips, cheeks clattering with thirst for just one more drop of your precious reward. 2 years as indentured servant to a class 3 vampire, and thus far you had only been granted your lips to taste the infinite on the rare occasion that you impressed me.

[28m] Sloshy Halloween Romp [mf]

English is my Second language. Bear with Me.

[Fireside] upon returning after hours of trecking through powder and slush… Ocassionaly slipping violently on greasy clay tucked away neatly beneath the snow, the pleasant lines of my cabin come into view. With damp underclothes resulting from my occasional barrage of exploding snowballs on your rump, and the sporadic…the sporadic pinned up roughly against a tree kiss. We open the door, that beautiful door in front of which we have sat in front of and stargazed a few times… It shuts with a reassuring thud and click. The sudden intimacy and assured remote privacy made both of your legs watery and heavy. Boots and jackets, and then ever more exciting layers are removed, until i am nearly nude. Eliciting a desperation that you had not felt in a few years, since you diacovered the fevered heat of your sexuality. Your lips open and blush. Without drama, i remove my last insulative layer. Instinctively you watch me sway side to side as i carry firewood. squat in front of my wood stove, and begin building fire. I come back when finished, and glare at your stunning figure in the flickering light.