The Cover Story

My step-daughter Marissa was old enough to move out of the house, but she still wasn’t feeling brave enough to do it.

I couldn’t blame her, but I think she felt a little guilty sticking around without paying rent and tried to compensate with small bribes–cooking my favorite dinner here, ironing my clothes there… While I appreciated her little guestures very much, none of them were necessary. I loved having that girl around no matter what she did or didn’t do.

Eventually she asked me for a “favor,” but I quickly got the feeling it was another one of her little bribes in disguise.

“Daddy, I got a little sunburned yesterday and it’s hurting pretty bad … can you help me take care of it real quick?” She was chilling in the living room with a long, baggy T-shirt on and a ponytail, looking so beautifully ordinary.

Normally I would admonish her for staying out in the sun too long and damaging her beautiful skin, but I let it go because her girl-next-door charm was starting to melt me. “Hold tight, I’ll go grab the lotion…”

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The longest 30 minutes of my life

My girlfriend is a risk-taker. And I love her for that, but one of these days it’s going to get me into a lot of trouble….

Sasha and I were hanging out by the riverside with our two mutual friends. She looked amazing in her new sunshine yellow one-piece swimsuit; it had cheeky little windows cut out on the sides and showed a little bit of underbun, but her petite body and effervescent personality lends her an air of girlish innocence always.

Some pictures to help you imagine her:



Our friends happened to be a couple, and their names were Eric and Janessa. At some point the two retired to the AirBnB we were staying at just down the path. To this day I’m not sure exactly what they were doing—maybe making love—all I know is that Sasha and I found ourselves suddenly alone and looking into each other’s eyes with desire, the sounds of water flowing and crickets chirping in the twilight.

I was sitting in a lawn chair in my swim trunks with Sasha on my lap like my personal pet … she started biting my lip playfully and slowly, and passionately kissing the corner of my mouth, as if to distract me from where her hands were going.

The longest 30 minutes of my life

My girlfriend is a risk-taker. And I love her for that, but one of these days it’s going to get me into a lot of trouble….

Sasha and I were hanging out by the riverside with our two mutual friends. She looked amazing in her new sunshine yellow one-piece swimsuit; it had cheeky little windows cut out on the sides and showed a little bit of underbun, but her petite body and effervescent personality lends her an air of girlish innocence always.

A picture to help you imagine her:


Our friends happened to be a couple, and their names were Eric and Janessa. At some point the two retired to the AirBnB we were staying at just down the path. To this day I’m not sure exactly what they were doing—maybe making love—all I know is that Sasha and I found ourselves suddenly alone and looking into each other’s eyes with desire, the sounds of water flowing and crickets chirping in the twilight.

I was sitting in a lawn chair in my swim trunks with Sasha on my lap like my personal pet … she started biting my lip playfully and slowly, and passionately kissing the corner of my mouth, as if to distract me from where her hands were going.